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My Understanding Regarding "Respect Our Teacher, Respect the Fa"

April 27, 2003 |   By a Chinese practitioner


For a long time I have been in the following state: I can stay focused when reading Teacher's new articles and new Clearwisdom stories, yet I often lose my concentration, skip over words or phrases, and become stymied without remaining alert when reading Zhuan Falun. I have tried to strengthen my concentration, purge the evil that interferes with my Fa study, even practiced "reading out loud" as recommended by fellow practitioners. Each of these methods helped for only a short while, and then I would revert back to my old condition. I felt really miserable and became distressed in my failure to improve my understanding of the Fa, and I did not know how to break through this state.

One day another practitioner recited what Teacher said in his article "Fa Lecture at the Conference in Florida, U.S.A.": "When you study the Fa and your mind isn't on the Fa, it's not only a problem of just going through the motions, but also that the person studying the Fa is actually not being very respectful of the Fa. How could the Fa reveal itself, then?" This was really a wake up call for me. I remembered reading Teacher's "Fa-Lecture During the 2003 Lantern Festival at the U.S. West Fa Conference." Teacher deeply regretted those practitioners who fit the category as "some people are already half way out into thin air," as well as those practitioners who did not respect Teacher. I was startled, this section of the Fa was sounding the same alarm to me. How could I detach myself from this issue? Teacher said, "Usually your Master doesn't teach you the Fa on an individual basis. That's because if I were to point out someone's problem to him individually, his mind would be hit really hard, and this might in fact affect him. That's why I rarely speak to someone individually that way. But when I bring up these problems in a large forum, don't think I'm not referring to you." ("Teaching the Fa at the 2002 Fa Conference in Boston")

We usually maintain eye contact with others during a conversation to show our courtesy and respect. When we are reading Zhuan Falun, we are facing the Fa of the universe and our compassionate Teacher, who provides salvation to all; what kind of mentality should we have? Teacher had stated over and over that we must study the Fa with a rational and sober mind. Teacher also told us, "If you don't even listen to what I say, then why do you still call me Master?" ("Lecture at the Australia Fa Conference") Wasn't the state that I was in when reading Zhuan Falun a serious manifestation of not respecting Teacher? How dangerous, serious, and solemn it is? I could feel a shock in my heart as I thought about this, and suddenly my body felt as light as air. I was no longer muddled when reading, and I could calm down when sending forth righteous thoughts.

Previously I had merely copied Fa study approaches from others because of my attachment to seeking new things, but I ignored and overlooked the connotation behind the methodology -- truly seek from within our heart, sincerely respect and solemnly face Teacher and Fa from the deepest part of our life.

What I said earlier was only my own understanding and I hope it will be of value to my fellow practitioners. Because I am limited by my understanding, please kindly point out anything inappropriate.