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Latest News from China - 04/16/2003

April 23, 2003 |  


  1. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Personnel from Qingshan Police Precinct Force 3-year-old Girl to Watch Her Mother Being Tortured
  2. [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Dafa Practitioner Peng Weidong is Sent to Brainwashing Class Right After Release from Two Years' Forced Labor
  3. [Ezhou City, Hubei Province] Police Officers from the Echeng Police Department Cause a Tragedy
  4. [Nanmusi City, Sichuan Province] The Power of Righteous Thoughts
  5. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Persecution of Practitioner Zhao Xilian
  6. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Arrest of Guo Fengrong
  7. [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Evildoings of Lawless Policemen Wang Tieshan in the Shibalihe Forced Labor Camp
  8. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Xing Guiqin, a Secondary School Chinese Language Teacher, and Guan Are illegally Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor
  9. [Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Illegal Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Liu Yulian in the Wanghua District
  10. [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Abduction of Dafa Practitioner Zheng Yi from Home; His Whereabouts Are Unknown
  11. [Xinmin City, Liaoning Province] Unlawful Two-Year Forced Labor Sentence for Falun Gong Practitioner Wu Liguo from Juliuhe District
  12. [Northeast China] Dafa Practitioners Successively Hold a Mid-April Experience Sharing Conference

[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Personnel from Qingshan Police Precinct Force 3-year-old Girl to Watch Her Mother Being Tortured

From February 21 to 23, 2003, police took Wuhan City Dafa practitioners Zhang Wei, Hu Huifang and their 3-year-old daughter from their rented room in the Jiangjun Garden residential area. Police from Qingshan Police Precinct cuffed Ms. Hu Huifang to metal bars and tortured her. The inhuman and excruciating abuse was carried out for three days consecutively. They ripped off all her clothes and poured cold water on her. They even threw her 3-year-old daughter on the floor to watch her mother being tortured. The little girl was wailing throughout the whole process.

[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Dafa Practitioner Peng Weidong is Sent to Brainwashing Class Right After Release from Two Years' Forced Labor

Mr. Peng Weidong was sentenced to two years of forced labor in March 2001. When his term expired, he was directly sent to the Etouwan Brainwashing Class in Shiqiaokou District for further persecution. Peng Weidong and another practitioner, Xu Jinrong, have been staging a hunger strike for over 40 days to protest the persecution. Their lives are in danger now. In order to block the information, the police don't allow their family members to visit them. The police in the brainwashing class even paid some laid-off workers and collaborators to act as roughnecks, to cruelly torture practitioners detained there. Zhu Jing, assistant director at Shiqiaokou District's Judicial Bureau once claimed to let the roughnecks do whatever they wanted. Most of the detained practitioners were tortured both mentally and physically to varying degrees, some of them even to the point of having a mental breakdown.

[Ezhou City, Hubei Province] Police Officers from the Echeng Police Department Cause a Tragedy

In June 2001, personnel from the Echeng Police Department abducted practitioner Mr. Zhang Jiaying from home and also barbarously ransacked her home. After being detained for over a year, Mr. Zhang was secretly sentenced to a prison term as long as seven years. His wife, Ms. Zhang Yanmei, used to practice Falun Gong but was coerced to give up after July 20, 1999. She was unable to bear the relentless persecution and committed suicide by jumping off a building in January 2003. Their 15-year-old son is left home without care.

[Nanmusi City, Sichuan Province] The Power of Righteous Thoughts

A practitioner released from Nanmusi Labor Camp in Sichuan Province told us of a scene that happened in 2001 in that labor camp:

Once, when the detained practitioners were sent outside to get fresh air, a police car arrived with four or five practitioners in it who were reading something loudly and continuously. At that time, many detained practitioners could not get Master's new articles, so they didn't know what those practitioners in the car were reading. After a while the practitioners in the car read louder and louder, and it seemed like the whole dimension was shaken. The police told them to get out of the car and sent them into the labor camp, but the practitioners, not cooperating with the police, did not move and kept sending forth righteous thoughts. The labor camp wardens were afraid and asked the outdoor practitioners to go back to their cells immediately. The police had no option but left the car and went to register for the practitioners. The labor camp police saw the scene and were afraid to accept the newly arrived practitioners. After a while, the police car drove these practitioners back. The detained practitioners were all encouraged and were very happy.

[Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Persecution of Practitioner Zhao Xilian

Ms. Zhao Xilian, an employee from the Henan Agriculture University, is now detained at the Shibalihe Female Labor Camp in Zhengzhou City/Henan Province. She was tortured to the verge of death. The labor camp notified the university to pick Ms. Zhao up but the officials from the university were not willing to accept this; instead, they were planning to send Ms. Zhao to the Xinxiang Mental Hospital for further persecution.

Henan Agriculture University Phone numbers:

University Party Office: 86-371-3558000, 86-371-3933923
University Office: 86-371-3558999
University President's Office: 86-371-3933924
Director's Office: Fax: 86-371-3845614, 86-371-3921072
Organization Office s86-371-3558618 p86-371-3943149
Security Office: 86-371-3558110
Agriculture College: 86-371-3558122
Discipline Office: 86-371-3943245, Zhang Bailiang: 86-371-3946503

[Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Arrest of Guo Fengrong

Ms. Guo Fengrong, 55 years old, was reported to the police and arrested in mid-March of 2003 when she was posting Dafa truth-clarifying materials. Her whereabouts are still unknown.

[Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Evildoings of Lawless Policemen Wang Tieshan in the Shibalihe Forced Labor Camp

Wang Tieshan, male, a chief in the forced labor camp, persecutes Dafa practitioners with extremely brutal means. He boasted that he himself had hung up many Falun Gong practitioners.

[Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Xing Guiqin, a Secondary School Chinese Language Teacher, and Guan Are Illegally Sentenced to Three Years of Forced Labor

Ms. Xing Guiqin, who graduated from the Chinese Language Department of Peking University, is a teacher of Chinese in a secondary school. Teacher Guan, female, is also a teacher of Chinese in a secondary school. Before the Chinese Lunar New Year of 2003, they were captured and taken to the Wanghua District Brainwashing Center in Fushun City. Later, Xing Guiqin was illegally sentenced to one year of forced labor, and teacher Guan was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor. Now they are detained at the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp.

[Fushun City, Liaoning Province] Illegal Arrest of Dafa Practitioner Liu Yulian in the Wanghua District

At about 9:00 a.m. on April 3, 2003, occupants of a "110" police vehicle, lawless police officers, captured Liu Yulian. They were from Jianshe Community and Jianshe Police Precinct. His situation is unknown.

[Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Abduction of Dafa Practitioner Zheng Yi from Home; His Whereabouts Are Unknown

During the morning of April 1, lawless police officers abducted Zheng Yi to the Shenhe District's Renao Road Police Precinct in Shenyang City. His whereabouts are unknown.

[Xinmin City, Liaoning Province] Unlawful Two-Year Forced Labor Sentence for Falun Gong Practitioner Wu Liguo from Juliuhe District

[Northeast China] Dafa Practitioners Successively Hold a Mid-April Experience Sharing Conference

In the middle of April 2003, somewhere in Northeast China, Dafa practitioners successively held several experience sharing conferences, attended by about sixty practitioners at each location. Master's picture was hung at the front of the meeting place, next to pictures of Falun. A big golden Falun with blue background, six feet in diameter, was hung at the back. Dafa music, Pudu and Jishi, reverberated around the meeting place. In the beginning, all Dafa practitioners sent forth righteous thoughts together, then studied Master's articles, followed by speaking. All used simple but impressive language to narrate their progress in the Fa-rectification period and related stories how the power of Dafa is revealed through righteous thoughts and righteous deeds. They also exchanged their experiences and lessons they have learned, and then pointed out their loopholes and deficiencies. Each conference lasted over four hours. The atmosphere was serene, peaceful and compassionate. The experience sharing conferences had a positive effect to foster things in the local areas, and to better clarify the truth during the Fa-rectification progress.