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Celebrating Eight Years Since Master Li Taught the Fa in Sweden (Photos)

April 23, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) It was during Easter 1995 that Falun Gong was first introduced to Sweden by Master Li Hongzhi, and this is almost exactly 8 years ago today. At that time, Master Li gave a 7-day lecture in Gothenburg. This is one of the few times that Master has taught the Fa [principles of Falun Gong] and exercises outside of China, and it was also the last time that Master taught in this way.

Master Li teaching the Fa in Sweden

Master Li teaching the Falun Gong exercises in Sweden

Every Sunday since then, Dafa practitioners have practised the exercises as a group in a park close to the hall where Master's lectures were held. This Easter Sunday, a group of practitioners gathered on the hill where the practice site is to send their deepest respect and gratitude to Master Li. The weather was beautiful and warm, the sun was shining and there were birds singing everywhere.

Group practice in Gothenburg

Practitioners in Gothenburg send their heartfelt thanks to Master

At the same time in stersund, in the middle of Sweden, a national meeting of practitioners was held. Dafa practitioners practiced the exercises, studied the Fa, exchanged experiences and discussed different truth-clarifying activities. Several families with small children participated and the outdoor activities in the fine April weather were highly appreciated. Two practitioners who attended Master's Fa Lectures in 1995 also participated.

Group practice in stersund

Dafa practitioners in Sweden would like to send their most heartfelt thanks to Master for teaching the Fa in Sweden in 1995, and for the 8 valuable years that they have had the chance to cultivate in Falun Dafa.
