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Summary of Other Articles and News - 04/18/2003

April 21, 2003 |  


Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

I was kidnapped on the way to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. After I was sent back to my local police department, the officers handcuffed me to metal window bars. It was cold at night and I was hungry. I was in a lot of pain and lost consciousness. After I woke up I was reinvigorated, and I realized Master was always taking care of me. It was in December and I was barefoot, but I wasn't cold, and it felt as if warm air gushed out of the ground beneath me. I knew that Master was helping me, and I couldn't hold back my tears.

After I returned home, the street residential committee came to harass me, and I became afraid. Our benevolent Master prompted me through others and in my dreams, and I gradually got rid of my fears after studying the Fa.

I was later sent to prison for distributing truth clarification materials. I clarified the truth to the police officer who interrogated me. He listened closely and often smiled at me. Because I resisted the persecution, the prison police asked my family to persuade me, but I was not moved and my heart remained calm. Later, we realized that by working in the prison we were cooperating with the evil, so we began a hunger strike. From then on, the police didn't force us to work again. It showed the mighty power of righteous thoughts as a whole body. Later, I was released on bail for medical treatment because I was on the verge of death.

News From Abroad

Beginning in April 2003, the Minghui School in Taipei resumed the Dafa exercises and Fa promotion activities in front of the Chiang Kai-Shek Memorial Hall. This hall is a well-known tourist attraction and many people came to visit during the holidays, including tourists from Mainland China. Practitioners grasped the opportunity to promote Dafa and clarify the truth to the tourists.

Social Commentary

As the SARS epidemic is spreading, news of another disaster was heard from Haicheng City, Liaoning Province. On March 19, 2,500 elementary students suffered food poisoning after drinking "high protein soymilk," produced by the Anshan City Baorun Dairy and Food Corporation. Students showed various severe symptoms. More terrifying is the fact that the Haicheng City government tried its best to cover up the facts after the accident took place, and they even tried to intimidate the victims. This incident is yet another episode of the Chinese authorities covering up the facts to the detriment of the public.