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Summary of Other Articles and News - 04/06/2003

April 12, 2003 |  


Practitioners Exchange Insights

A thrill of joy received while feeling depressed. One day, I felt very depressed and did not even feel like talking. When I went out to go grocery shopping, I still thought in my mind, "I really don't want to feel troubled, Teacher, please help me, your faltering student!" The man who sold the food to me gave me one extra Yuan [Chinese currency] for change, which made me tell him, "You gave me an extra Yuan." He said sincerely, "You are really a good person!" Then he stared at me for a few seconds and suddenly became delighted: "I remember now. You are the person who gave me the.... We all read them and understood those. We all remember those as well!" I suddenly felt lifted, and talked to him some more. My depressed feeling instantly disappeared. It is so urgent to save sentient beings and it is not allowed for me to forget the historical mission and significant responsibility bestowed on me because of my tiny bit of gloom. No matter what pain or grief I have suffered, I should not think of them at all. Would it, because of my slacking off, have been fine for sentient beings to have missed the chance to learn about the truth!? That would have been the most serious and deepest regret.

Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

Plum blossoms in the blizzard -- A female Falun Dafa practitioner's recollection. Over the past few years, because I persisted in practicing Falun Gong and appealing for Falun Gong, and explaining the facts to people, I had been unlawfully arrested eight times and was sentenced to forced labor twice. During the detention, I suffered various kinds of torture. For example, I was shocked by policemen with electric batons, had my head covered in a plastic bag to be suffocated, was forced to sit on a metal chair for an extended period of time, had my head covered with a pail while police officers violently struck it, had ice cold water poured on me, and also had my hands cuffed behind my back for extended periods of time. Even when my neck was full of blisters due to the electric shocks, the police officers struck the blisters until they broke and created raw, open sores. Then they continued to shock my neck on the open wounds. They used cigarette butts to burn my fingers. While I was on a hunger strike, they cruelly force-fed me. When they performed a forced intubation to force-feed me, four criminal inmates pressed me down and I was almost smothered to death. Prior to the 16th Party Congress in 2002, the local police substation once again sent officers to my home, attempting to abduct me and send me to a brainwashing center. I saw policemen surrounding my apartment, and at that moment, came to the understanding: First, I would not run to escape; Second, I would not go with them; Third, I would send forth righteous thoughts to completely reject the old force's arrangement. I phoned the director of the police station and questioned why they would arrest me, as I had not committed any wrongdoing. I spoke with a force of justice. Then I sat down to send forth righteous thoughts. About four hours later, they left my apartment.

Facts of the Persecution

The Banqiao Forced Labor Camp in Tianjin City used barbaric methods to torture Falun Gong practitioners. Practitioners were monitored 24 hours a day and forced to do hard labor from 6 am until 2 am the next morning. The police officers also physically tortured practitioners. They cuffed a practitioner's hand and foot together and hung him on the roof while only allowing the other foot to barely touch the ground. Mu Xiangjie was hung this way for 6 straight days, which caused the skin of his hand and foot to fester. Dafa practitioner Zhou Xianzhen went on a hunger strike for 6 months to protest the persecution. The police officers pried and removed her front teeth in order to make their force-feeding easier.

News from China

Past event of cause and effect that I witnessed when I was a small child: It was the winter, and there was no heating facility in the elementary school. Thus, the party secretary of our village, Wang, and the director in charge of the public security, Zou, appointed two villagers to dismantle a temple and took the bricks to build a stove for the school. A few days later, Zou started suffering an eye illness. He was in such an amount of pain that he could not sleep for the entire night. Not only that, he would suffer the same pain for a few additional months. Later, his leg was injured, and he was also unable to have children. Wang's situation was even worse. His wife and youngest son both became mentally ill. Wang also ran into accidents until finally passing away in his 40s.

Story of cause and effect: It occurred during the period of the Republic of China (1912-1949). A middle-aged man in our village went to a fair and spent 800 Yuan to buy a piece of ginseng. When he returned home, connoisseurs said that it was a piece of root of a kind of bitter vegetable. Over twenty years passed and the man who bought the ginseng had a dream in which a person told him: "Today I came to pay my debt. Do you still remember the ginseng you bought? In fact, that was not a ginseng, but a piece of root of a bitter vegetable." The next day, the man's old scalper had gotten word that his cow gave birth to a calf. One year later, this man led his calf to the fair in order to sell it. More than 10 merchants saw it in the morning, and the price they all offered was 800 Yuan. In the end, it turned out that the little baby calf had arrived to pay the old debt.