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After Practicing Falun Gong for Less than One Month, an Elderly Couple Share Their Experiences with People They Meet

March 27, 2003 |  


I am 60 years old, and began practicing Falun Gong less than one month ago. I realized that Dafa practitioners suffered very cruel persecution, but the power of righteous belief brought me to practice Falun Dafa.

In the beginning, my husband was vigorously against my practicing Falun Gong because he knew that Jiang's regime cruelly persecuted Dafa practitioners and anyone who said, "Falun Dafa is good." If the book Zhuan Falun is discovered at someone's home, he could face forced labor re-education. Even immediate family and relatives face possible persecution. Most Dafa practitioners in China are destitute and homeless, to avoid being persecuted. If a kind person gives shelter to a Dafa practitioner, he will face the same persecution as the practitioner. It is very common that the police rush into anyone's home without a warrant and confiscate their personal property. My spouse's initial opposition to my Falun Gong practice didn't shake my determination. A few days later I repeatedly listened to a recording of Teacher's speech. Then the miracle happened. My chest congestion disappeared. I can walk very fast now, and even my carsickness, which affected me since childhood, has disappeared. My life has new energy. Not only is my spouse no longer against my practicing Falun Gong, but he started to practice Falun Gong with his body and mind.

Now we talk about our personal experiences when we meet people, describing the benefits we experience in both body and mind after practicing Falun Gong. The strength cannot be extinguished because of the evil's persecution. On the contrary, the strength will become more expansive.