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Heilongjiang Dafa Practitioner Zheng Libin's Life is in Danger in Tuanhe Forced Labor Camp in Beijing

March 2, 2003


Zheng Libin, a 31-year-old male practitioner, lived in Jiamusi City of Heilongjiang Province. Currently he is being illegally detained in Tuanhe Labor Camp in Beijing. He is scheduled to be released on April 16, 2003. Zheng Libin is very determined to continue practicing Falun Dafa, but he is presently in a very dangerous situation and facing a new round of increasingly severe persecution.

In July 1999, Zheng Libin went to Beijing to validate Dafa and was arrested there. He was held until early 2000. At that time the detention center forced his family to pay several thousand Yuan in exchange for his release. This extortion put a tremendous economic burden on the already impoverished family. [500 Yuan is the average monthly income for an urban worker in China.]

In June 2000, Zheng Libin was illegally arrested again and sent to the Jiamusi City Labor Camp. Practitioners there suffer all kinds of evil persecution including being fed goose food instead of human food. At the end of 2000, Zheng Libin and ten other practitioners walked out of the labor camp. Around February 20, 2001, a special police agent watched Zheng Libin, Zhou Genzheng, Zhong Yang and a handful of other practitioners during their Fa-study and experience-sharing in Beijing. A squad of police seized them, forcibly dragged them into police vehicles, covered their heads, took them secretly to the detention center of the police department and used the most brutal tortures to force these practitioners to name the organizer of the gathering. Police separated the practitioners into individual rooms and tied each of them to a chair for 24 hours. The detention center also summoned three special interrogators from Beijing Women's Labor Camp: Li Jing (director of the labor camp), Jiao Xuexian (female section leader), and one other whose name is unknown. Jiao Xuexian ordered some so-called "helpers" [former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture] to put leaflets slandering Dafa inside the practitioners' clothes to undermine the spirit and dignity of the practitioners. These three also forced practitioners to listen to derogatory speeches all day long; if practitioners did not listen, the three would beat them with books. Jiao Xuexian always used foul language when speaking to male practitioners. Every night, Li Jing got drunk and used his electric baton to attack practitioners. The screams of the practitioners could be heard all night long. These attacks continued for several nights. This brutal persecution pushed many practitioners, including Zheng Libin, to the brink of death.

In March of 2001, the police put Zheng Libin in the "small cell", which was solitary confinement in a very cramped space. He was fed only hardened bread with salted vegetables and was forced to sleep on the cold floor every night. They also ordered other inmates to monitor his activities. In April 2001, the police department sent him back to the seventh division of the Beijing Police Department, where the officials planned to falsely implicate Falun Gong in a murderer case. The police forcefully interrogated the practitioners, including Zheng Libin. At the end of 2001, Zheng Libin was illegally sentenced to one and a half years of labor camp at the notorious Tuanhe Labor Camp, where he was continuously subjected to torture and abuse. He was shocked so severely and frequently with electric batons that his heart was damaged. His family was deeply affected by his horrible plight; due to grief for her son, his mother suffered a mental breakdown.

Zheng Libin's jail term is due to be completed around April 16, 2003. Rather than releasing him, the Tuanhe Labor Camp plans to persecute him further to force him to give up his belief. According to some inside information, the guards in Tuanhe Labor Camp have prepared false information to allow them to hold Zheng Libin for another 10 months. Another practitioner, Li Xupeng, whose sentence is due to end in March 2003, also received increased pressure from the police, who want him to write a "guarantee statement" to stop practicing Falun Gong, communicating with other practitioners, and going to Beijing to appeal. The situations of these practitioners have reached a critical stage.

We appeal to the World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong and Amnesty International to rescue Zheng Libin, Li Xupeng, and all other practitioners who are illegally detained at Tuanhe Labor Camp in Beijing, and to put an end to the Beijing Labor Re-education Department and Tuanhe Labor Camp's human rights violations.