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Journey of Falun Dafa Photo Exhibition Held in New York State Capitol (Photos)

February 09, 2003 |   By New York Dafa Practitioners

(Clearwisdom.net) On February 3, 2003, New York Dafa practitioners held a Journey of Falun Dafa photo exhibition and a thank-you party in the New York State Capitol.

The exhibition and the thank-you party were held in a hallway that all officials and staff must pass through when entering or exiting. Twenty-five photos exhibited the grace and solemnness of Dafa, and some other photos showed the upright and selfless character of Dafa practitioners as they faced the persecution. There was also an eye-catching banner with the words, "Falun Dafa is good." Throughout the exhibition, the Falun Gong practitioners demonstrated the exercises repeatedly. One state senator said sincerely, "It is great to see so many Westerners practicing Falun Gong. I thought before that it was only the culture of Asian people."

The whole scene was very harmonious, filled with compassion and a pure, powerful energy field. Many people passed by our booth again and again. Many people were introduced to Dafa on this day and accepted truth-clarification literature.

The thank-you party in the evening created good opportunities for the officials and staff to have direct contact with Dafa practitioners. The exercise demonstration given by the Dafa practitioners and the Tang Dynasty costume show were well received by the guests.

We wanted to share the benefits we have received from our cultivation of Dafa with every kind-hearted person and to expose the Jiang regime's evil lies.

As the year of the Ram begins, New York Dafa practitioners send greetings to the people of New York. We hope that more and more people will benefit from Dafa and find out the facts about Dafa.