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Summary of Other Articles and News - 01/31/2003

February 03, 2003 |  


Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

A Fa-rectification story - One day in October 2002, I went to a residential compound to clarify the truth. Seven or eight police and security personnel kidnapped me and sent me to a police station, where they handcuffed me to a metal chair. I kept sending forth righteous thoughts as the police talked to me one by one. Only one vicious police officer dared to act aggressively toward me, and I concentrated on eliminating the evil elements behind him. Within less than two minutes he could no longer withstand it and walked out of the room. Several days later, the police suddenly asked me to pack up and go home.

I broke out of the detention center with righteous thoughts. On August 12, when I was sorting Dafa materials, a dozen police officers broke into my home and kidnapped me. At the police department I didn't cooperate with any of the evil's orders. I refused to wear a prisoner's uniform and held a hunger strike to protest. I recited Master's scriptures repeatedly and my mind was determined. During the nine-day hunger strike, the vicious police force-fed me three times. I firmly resisted all of the persecution.

On August 20, they sent me to a labor camp but I was diagnosed with an illness, so I was unconditionally released.

The Truth and People's Hearts

A woman restaurant owner used to have misunderstandings about Falun Gong, but she gradually changed her opinion after seeing many practitioners' conduct. She said, "You are indeed different from what was said about you on T.V. Nowadays, if everyone practiced Falun Gong, the world would be a better place."

Facts of the Persecution

Thugs such as Wu Wei at Fushun City Labor Camp, Liaoning Province brutally torture Dafa practitioners, and the practitioners held a group hunger strike to protest. The vicious police tortured the practitioners by forcing them to sit on the cold cement floor 24 hours a day. They force-fed the practitioners through the nose with hard plastic tubes. The food they force-fed to the practitioners contain large amount of salt water, which would burn the practitioners' stomachs.

On February 18, 2001, Dafa practitioner Duan Peichen and I were brutally tortured at the Tuanhe Labor Camp in Beijing. The vicious guards ordered collaborators [former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to severe torture and brainwashing] to beat Duan Peichen. He sustained scars on his face and was unable to walk. The collaborators tied my hands and feet together and put me under the bed. They hit my feet violently with shoes and hung me up. They sealed my mouth tightly with tape so that I couldn't make any sound. They also stomped on my legs and forced me to remain in an awkward position. This continued until dawn.

For being a Falun Gong practitioner, I was accused of "disturbing the social order and with conspiracy to overthrow the government," and I was thrown in jail. More than 20 drug addicts were in my cell, and they tortured me right after my arrival. The most vicious prisoner hit my chest repeatedly, and I almost suffocated from the beating. The guards and vicious prisoners drive the other prisoners to do heavy manual labor everyday.

News From Abroad

Australian citizen Nancy Chen was kidnapped on the orders of the National Security Department of China in Sichuan Province. This case had attracted wide attention from the Australian Foreign Affairs Department and from society in general. Many media outlets in Australia published detailed reports on this case. In the evening of January 29, the Australian Foreign Affairs Department notified Nancy Chan's husband that the Beijing government has promised to release Chan.

Media Report

From the New Taiwan Weekly 357th issue: Falun Gong's protest pattern has gradually diversified, spread and internationalized since its initial sitting protests, when the Chinese regime banned it in July 1999. The World Organization to Investigate the Persecution of Falun Gong was founded on January 20, 2003. So far, nine high-level Chinese government officials have been sued in Europe and in the United States. The Chinese dictator Jiang has been accused of "genocide" in the United States. The time of the first hearing was set for March 13. If Jiang leaves China while not on a state visit, he will likely be summoned and arrested in foreign courts.