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Ming Bao (Hong Kong): Taiwanese Falun Gong Practitioners Denied Entry

February 23, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Ming Bao reported on February 20, 2003 that the Hong Kong Falun Gong Association planned to have experience sharing among practitioners and hold activities against Article 23 legislation on Saturday and Sunday; however, many Taiwanese Falun Gong practitioners were denied entry to Hong Kong.

When interviewed by the Central News Agency, Taiwan Falun Gong spokesperson Hung Chi-hung said they learned recently that the Hong Kong Falun Gong Association planned to have experience sharing, so some practitioners in Taiwan planned to pay personal visits to Hong Kong to participate in the activities. But several practitioners told him today before departure that Hong Kong had refused to issue entry visas to them. Hung Chi-hung said that since the Taiwan Falun Gong association did not form a delegation this time to attend Hong Kong activities and practitioners planned to go to Hong Kong individually, he does not know how many practitioners have responded to the notice from Hong Kong to participate in the activities.


Also according to Ming Bao's report on February 21, 2003, Hong Kong Falun Gong spokesperson Kan Hung-cheung confirmed that they had planned to have anti-Article 23 legislation activities as well as experience sharing conference this Saturday and Sunday, and had informed Falun Gong practitioners around the world about it. Thirty Falun Gong practitioners from Taiwan who took the flight to Hong Kong yesterday evening were denied entry.

February 21, 2003