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Short Fa-Rectification Stories

Feb. 16, 2003


A 5-year-old child

In the walkways of a building in a residential area in Anshan City, almost every day somebody would post the words, "Falun Dafa is good" on the walls, and even the floors. After quite a few days, the residential committee members finally caught the person, who turned out to be a child of about 5 years old. After questioning the child, they found that he did not even know how to write his name, but he knew how to write, "Falun Dafa is good." Everyone was amazed.

Beginning the practice of Falun Dafa in prisonThis true story happened in Tonghua Prison, Jilin Province. In the winter of 2002, one day a prisoner on death row solemnly told the guard, "Guard, from now on, don't consider me as a prisoner with a death sentence." The guard did not understand and asked, "What should I regard you as then?" "Regard me as a Dafa practitioner," the prisoner answered. Dafa practitioners detained in the prison with him had introduced Dafa to him and made him understand the truth. Thus he began the practice of Falun Dafa in prison.

Behavior of police disgusts a senior citizen

A practitioner was chatting with an elderly man. The man said, "Two days ago I found a truth-clarification flyer posted by Falun Gong practitioners. The flyer told of a policeman in Beijing raping a female Dafa practitioner under an overpass, in broad daylight. I took the flyer to a nearby police station. When I got to the police station I told them, 'I found the flyer by the railroad tracks. We were told not to pass around Falun Gong's flyers, so I'm turning it in to you.' My intention was to let them to read about the disgusting behavior of their colleagues."