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Solemn Declarations From Practitioners

December 05, 2003 |  



On the morning of June 19, 2001, my employer and the security guards of my work unit forced me into a brainwashing class. During the brainwashing class those that had previously practiced Falun Dafa, but then disavowed the practice under intense persecution, took turns attempting to brainwash me. I kept my eyes closed and refused to talk to them. They used various tactics in an attempt to stir my emotions. I let down my guard and started arguing with them. This only allowed them to see my weakness, and slowly they were able to take advantage of me. I am at fault. It was very late at night and they were many of them. They tried to make me write a so-called "separation letter" [A statement declaring that one will not associate with Falun Gong or go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong], but I refused. They did not go to sleep so that they could keep watching over me. Under their manipulation and under the control of my emotions my hands took the first step towards a deep cliff. I am ashamed to face Dafa and Teacher. But our compassionate Teacher has given me hints and guided me on numerous occasions, helping me to stay on the path of cultivation. I have no words to describe my gratitude for Teacher's compassion. I hereby solemnly declare: During the brainwashing class the things that I did, said, and wrote, that were against Dafa, are null and void. I will start cultivation again and redouble my efforts to compensate for the damage I have caused. I will follow Teacher and the pace of Fa-rectification until the end of cultivation, reaching consummation and returning with Teacher.

Xu Xiuli

February 2002



I went to Beijing to appeal with an impure heart and I was sent to a detention center and a forced labor camp twice. While in the labor camp I perpetrated crimes against practitioners under orders from the police. I helped to torture fellow practitioners with methods such as "Dead Person's Bed,"* force-feeding, beating and shocking with electric batons, forced-drugging, forcing them to write "guarantee letters"** and stamp their fingerprints, etc. I did all this with very little feeling. When it came to "transforming" [forcing practitioners to disavow their practice] practitioners I did what the police couldn't. Remembering the practitioners who cried for several days after they were forced to sign "separation letters," I know that I what I did was completely wrong.

After my release when I started studying the Fa and reading Clearwisdom.net, my understanding changed. Because I didn't had a good foundation while I was cultivating I didn't understand the Fa from the standpoint of the Fa. I was more concerned with results, and lacked the compassion and tolerance that practitioners should have. So during the Fa-rectification process I couldn't help rectify the Fa. Instead, the evil "transformed" me to help them commit crimes.

I hereby solemnly declare that I completely disavow the things I did, said or wrote while in the labor camp. I will work step by step to fundamentally refuse the old forces' arrangements. I will be a genuine practitioner, clarify the truth, save sentient beings and complete my mission as a Fa-rectification disciple. I will redouble my efforts to compensate for the sins I committed against Dafa.

Yan Caixia

November 16, 2003

* The four limbs of the practitioner are stretched out and tied to the four corners of an icy-cold metal bed. The practitioner cannot move at all; neither is he allowed to get up to eat, drink, or go to the bathroom. This treatment lasts from several hours up to more than 12 days. This type of cruel torture causes severe damage to a practitioner both mentally and physically.

**A statement declaring that one is remorseful for practicing Falun Gong and guaranteeing that one will not to practice Falun Gong again, nor go to go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and never again associate with any Falun Dafa practitioners.
