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Summary of Other Articles and News - December 19, 2003

December 28, 2003 |  


Facts of the Persecution

Dafa practitioner Wu Jincheng from Maoming City was illegally sentenced to 14 years in prison and was sent to the Wenquan Labor Camp in Yangjiang City to be persecuted.

In April 2003, Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Yu Fanglin and his wife Ms. Ma Shuyan went to Changhai County, Liaoning Province to clarify the truth about Falun Gong. Police officers unconstitutionally arrested them and sent them to the local police department. Mr. Yu Fanglin was illegally fired from his job and was sent to Dalian City Prison. The officials there forced him daily to stand for a very long time and the guards encouraged the inmates to beat him. Ms. Ma Shuyan was diagnosed with uterine cancer and could not take care of herself, yet she was still sent to Shenyang City's Female Prison. Changhai County Court and Public Prosecutor sentenced them to four years in prison.

Li Hongwu is the principal of Beipiao City's No. 7 Middle School in Liaoning Province. On May 18, 2001, he forced all teachers in the school to sign a document saying "Beipiao City's No. 7 Middle School forbids Falun Gong practice and forbids appealing in Beijing;" on May 21, 2001, he forced the teachers to choose 15 students from each class, a total of 450 students in the whole school, to sign a red banner that reads, "love science, oppose the [defamatory term omitted] cult" that was displayed at a school meeting. He also verbally attacked Falun Gong in a vile manner, and a program featuring his speech was aired on local city TV station. In late September and early October 2002, he requested several police officers from the Nanshan Police Department to give a defamatory presentation at the school that attacked Falun Dafa. He ordered the abduction of Dafa practitioner Yang Jingzhi, a school doctor, and sent him to the Masanjia Labor Camp. On July 26, 2003, Li Hongwu coerced all teachers to sign a paper to promise "all faculty members will not attend Falun Gong-organized activities in the summer."

Dafa practitioner Cui Yubo from Zhaozhou County, Daqing City was illegally sentenced to three years of forced labor and is currently detained at Harbin City Drug Rehabilitation Center.

Dafa practitioner Ms. Fu Yaqin from Zhaozhou County went to appeal in March 2000, was abducted and sent to the Zhaozhou County Detention Center, where Liu Piren, head of the Chaoyanggou Police Department, savagely beat her.

On June 19, 2000, Dafa practitioners Zhang Shuwen, Zhang Yonghua, Pan Xiujun and Zhao Bo saw pictures attacking Falun Dafa on the wall of the Harbin City Museum. They wrote "Falun Dafa is good," "restore our Teacher's reputation, restore Dafa's reputation" in the guest book. As a result they were illegally detained for more than 40 days and were brutally tortured. Later, the detention center authorities extorted 3,500 Yuan from Zhang Yonghua's family, 3,000 Yuan from Zhang Shuwen's family and 5,000 Yuan each from Pan Xiujun and Zhao Bo's family.

Dafa practitioner Mr. Guo Zhijiang from Shenzhou City, Hebei Province was illegally sentenced to 12 years in prison for firmly believing in Dafa and clarifying the truth. He is currently detained at Group One of the No. 4 Prison in Hebei Province. The guards forced him to work for more than ten hours every day. In September 2002, several inmates unreasonably verbally abused and physically attacked Dafa practitioner Guo Zhijiang. The beatings, often making him feel dizzy, caused his face, eyes and the back of his head to sustain injuries. Guo Zhijiang suffered severe physical and mental tortures.

Dafa practitioner Ms. Wang Hongxia was illegally detained at the Shibalihe Female Labor Camp in Zhengzhou City for one year. Ms. Wang resisted the persecution and her sentence was illegally extended twice. The first time it was extended by four months and the second time it was extended by six months.

Dafa practitioner Wang Kaiying from Xinxiang City was detained at Group 3, and. because she defied the persecution, was cruelly beaten numerous times. Her three-year sentence expired on December 2nd, but it was illegally extended by three months. The authorities also made people take so-called "political tests" that had content that defamed Falun Dafa, and practitioners who refused to answer the test questions had their sentences extended.

On September 16, 2002, officers from the Nangang Police Department in Harbin City broke into the home of Dafa practitioner Zhu Lei and abducted her and another practitioner, Zhao Lihua. Zhao Lihua was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor and was sent to the Wanjia Labor Camp. Ms. Zhu Lei was sentenced to four years in prison and was sent to Heilongjiang Province's Female Prison.

In March 2003, perpetrators from the Daowai Police Department, Harbin City destroyed a Dafa materials production site near the Daowai District Jiangbei Boat Factory. Practitioners Lei Min and Zhao Shuhong jumped from a building. Ms. Zhao Shuhong died upon impact and Ms. Lei Min was injured. Zhao Shuhong's husband, Du Qingjun, also a Dafa practitioner, was abducted and detained at the Daowai Detention Center.

On December 10, 2003, Dafa practitioner Mr. Gao Jingju, 73 years old, from the Dongli District and his daughter, Ms. Gao Hongling, were abducted and sent to the Zhaolin Police Station. Later, an enforcer named Ma, a group head from the Daoli District National Security Bureau, took Mr. Gao Jingju away. Ms. Gao Hongling is currently detained at the No. 2 Detention Center, nicknamed "Duck Ring," in Harbin City.

Dafa practitioner Ms. Tang Sulan, also known as "Tang Dan", is 23 years old and lived in Yongchuan City, Sichuan Province. She lived temporarily at North Fuqin Road, Chengdu City. Tang Sulan had originally studied at Sichuan International Studies University but was illgally expelled for practicing Falun Gong. On August 29, 2002, perpetrators abducted and illegally sentenced her to seven years of forced labor. She was sent to the Longquan Labor Camp in Chengdu City. Ms. Tang Sulan's mother Xiao Jiying was abducted on August 29, 2002 and illegally sentenced to seven years of forced labor. On September 29th, she was sent to the Longquan Labor Camp. Ms. Tang Sulan's brother, Mr. Tang Jian, also a Dafa practitioner, had graduated university and was working toward a Ph.D. degree. He had worked as a professor at the Sichuan Petroleum Institute but was fired and expelled from school for practicing Dafa. He was sentenced to 10 or 12 years in prison.

Other News from China

In late September 2003, four Dafa practitioners, Hong, Yan, Li Jun and Chen Junjie, were abducted in Beijing. They are currently detained at the Daxing Detention Center. Chen Junjie's wife and son who didn't practice Dafa were also abducted and detained at the Daxing Detention Center. His wife was sentenced to two years of forced labor and his son was released after more than one month of detention. The current whereabouts of the four practitioners are unknown.

The crimes Li Defa, secretary of the Hengshui Normal School Party Committee in Hebei Province has committed: At the beginning of the persecution on July 20, 1999, he forced every Dafa practitioner in school to write a "guarantee statement" to give up Dafa practice. Before October 1, 1999, he forced all practitioners attending that school to sign the statement. After the staged Tiananmen self-immolation, he forced all Dafa practitioners at the school to write articles, and those who refuse to write them were given "technically disqualified" designations. In the fall of 2001, he abducted pregnant Dafa practitioner Ms. Li Jingyun and sent her to a brainwashing class. In late 2001, two brainwashing class sessions were held at the Hengshui Normal School, and all Dafa practitioners who worked there were persecuted. After the release of those practitioners who were sent to detention centers, the Party committee officials forced them to write articles to slander Dafa, otherwise their salary would be withheld.

Dafa practitioner Mr. Zhu Yunpeng was illegally sent to three years of forced labor. It's been nine months since he was released and he was not given back his job.

In November 2003, practitioner Li Jingyun was again abducted and sent to a brainwashing class, and her one-year-old child was left at home.