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Summary of Other Articles and News - December 12, 2003

December 24, 2003 |  


News and Activities Around the World

On December 10, 2003, Human Rights Day, Chinese people from all social strata in Vancouver, Canada held a press conference. They used this opportunity to call for the Canadian government to assert pressure on visiting Chinese premier Wen Jiabao, and ask for the improvement of human rights conditions in China.

Ms. Tchen Yu-chiou, Member of the Taiwan Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission, said, "Persecution of human rights and violation of personal freedom is very common in Mainland China. Respecting human rights is a universal value. Paying attention to human rights in China is not interfering with China's internal affairs."

Priest Wang from the Vancouver Taiwanese Christian Association said, "The people of China are not granted the basic right to choose for themselves, or any opportunity to express themselves. Even when they do an exercise like Falun Gong, the government had to eliminate it."

Facts of the Persecution

1. Dafa practitioner Wang Wenfu, 70 years old, is a retired government official from the Beipiao City Party School in Liaoning Province. Since July 20, 1999, he has been constantly persecuted for his belief in Falun Dafa. He was sent to forced labor, his home was under surveillance, and his salary was withheld. In late June 2003, Mr. Wang distributed truth clarification materials with a fellow practitioner and was reported by a taxi driver. Wang Wenfu was forced to leave home for two months to avoid arrest. On August 15, someone reported him, which led to his arrest. This is the sixth time that Mr. Wang was illegally arrested. The police demanded 3,000 yuan from the family but met with rejection [500 yuan is the average monthly salary of an urban worker in China]. Currently, Wang Wenfu is still being detained at Beipiao City Detention Center.

2. Dafa practitioner Wang Liang from Beipiao City was abducted on November 20, 2003. The police ransacked his home and confiscated his computer and other personal belongings. Currently, he is being held at Beipiao City Detention Center.

3. Since July 20, 1999, Li Zhenfu, Party Secretary for the No. 8 Petroleum Extraction Factory in Daqing City tried to force Dafa practitioners to betray their belief by holding a brainwashing class. All those Dafa practitioners who had gone to Beijing to appeal were fired, and their family members were not allowed to work for the factory, either. In June 2000, eight practitioners were sent to a brainwashing class. One practitioner was demoted from his supervisor's position to an ordinary worker, and another practitioner was forcibly laid off. One practitioner's salary was withheld for a whole year. Fan Guofa, Factory Security Deputy Head, followed Li Zhenfu's order to take charge of the brainwashing class. In the past few years, these two often went to Dafa practitioners' families to harass them. The perpetrators also sent a large group of workers along with police officers to monitor and arrest Dafa practitioners who clarified the truth. In the spring of 2001, one practitioner was illegally arrested and was sent to the Harbin Drug Rehabilitation Center for one year.

4. Dafa practitioner Song Aichang who worked at the No. 13 Research Institute for the China Electronics Scientific Corporation went to Beijing to appeal in December 1999. He was later sent back by persons from Shijiazhuang City Liaison Office in Beijing. These lawless officials expelled him from the Party, annulled his household registration and "punished" him for one year by placing him under "observation." In late 2003, his work unit forcibly sent him to a brainwashing center in Hebei Province for persecution. According to reliable news sources, his work unit has not yet repealed this so-called "punishment."

5. Since 2003, five Dafa practitioners in the Cicai area of Liaohe Oil Field were abducted and sent to a brainwashing class in Fushun City. Jiang Changping, Party Secretary, reported practitioners Jiang Xingwang and Guo Yulong. This man ordered Deputy Security Head Han Shaoli, as well as Xu Qingguo and Zhang Hui, from the Changsheng Police Station to abduct both practitioners. Currently, practitioners Jiang Xingwang and Guo Yulong are not able to live a normal life because they were forced to leave home to avoid illegal arrest. Their families are under severe stress due to the persecution, and are on the verge of breaking up.

The Truth and Peoples' Hearts

A story from Mainland China: My neighbor is a Party member and a government official. I told her that Falun Gong was being persecuted and let her know that Jiang Zemin ordered the persecution of Falun Gong out of jealousy, resentment, incompetence and selfishness. I also let her know that many Dafa practitioners around the world have filed lawsuits against Jiang in international courts, charging him with genocide and torture. After hearing the truth my neighbor said, "Oh, so that's what happened. I was almost deceived. My health is terrible; I have heart disease, neurasthenia gravis and other illnesses. I'll practice Falun Gong with you!" I said, "Aren't you afraid of persecution?" She said, "I'm afraid of nothing!"