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Wuhan City Practitioners' Suggestions for Collecting Evidence of the Persecution by Local Perpetrators

December 22, 2003 |  

(Clearwidom.net) In order to let the people of Wuhan City learn about the crimes that local people have committed and are committing against Dafa practitioners, we suggest that Wuhan practitioners collect information on the people directly responsible for the persecution, and gather all evidence and details of the persecution that has taken place in Wuhan City.

We should focus on leaders of the "610 Office,"* police officers, collaborators** in brainwashing classes, detention centers, labor camps and prisons who mentally and physically torture Dafa practitioners; persons in government and Party agencies who directly plan and participate in persecution of Dafa practitioners; head perpetrators responsible for persecution in the public security sector and in the prosecution and legal system; perpetrators who act as the evil's mouthpiece on TV and radio stations, newspapers, magazines and other printed media.

We should collect the names of the persecutors, their addresses and work unit phone numbers, and the contact information for their family members. We should also collect information on the perpetrator's friends, classmates and acquaintances. We should collect details of the facts of the persecution, including what methods they used to persecute which Dafa practitioners; and what benefit the perpetrator gained through taking part in the persecution.

* The "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems.

** Collaborators are former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to torture and brainwashing.