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Australia: "Petals of Peace" Art Performance on the Sunshine Coast (Photos)

December 10, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On December 7, 2003, Falun Dafa practitioners gave a performance of dance, exercise and song entitled "Petals of Peace" on Peregian Beach, in the Sunshine Coast region of Queensland, Australia. The audience witnessed the beauty of Falun Dafa and learned about the cruel persecution in China.

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dance performance children's improvisation dance
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exercise demonstration making paper lotus flowers

The activity was in honor of children in general, and three-year-old Chinese Australian girl named Fadu in particular. Fadu's father died as a victim of the persecution of Falun Dafa in China.. Traditional Chinese dance performance was warmly welcomed by the audience. Five western practitioners sang four moving songs, including one calling for attention to children, "Petals of Peace." Children in the audience could not help holding lotuses they had made by themselves and dancing to the song on the stage. Another song, "A Call from Heart," told the heartfelt wish of thousands of Falun Gong practitioners under persecution. The audience was deeply moved.

After the performance, practitioners invited the audience to fold paper lotuses together in support of children in agony like Fadu. People participated actively.

The performance was the climax of the months-long "Petals of Peace" activity on the Sunshine Coast.

In the past few months, Falun Dafa practitioners held many paper lotus folding activities and art exhibits in libraries, elementary schools and shopping centers. Many people were deeply moved by little Fadu's story and responded very positively. Fadu's father had been tortured to death in China for holding fast to his faith in "Truthfulness, Compassion and Forbearance."

People projected their hope for peace into the lotuses they folded, a hope for all children to have a bright future.