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Released from the Detention Center with Righteous Thoughts

November 08, 2003 |   Written by a Falun Gong practitioner in China

(Clearwisom.net) One night in the fall of 2001 I was abducted and taken to the police station. In the police car I kept sending forth righteous thoughts. At the police station one policeman grabbed my hair with one hand and brutally hit my face with the other. My nose started bleeding. I did not cooperate with any demands from the vicious officers. Although my face was beaten until it felt like it was burning, it recovered again right away. I knew at this point that Master was helping me.

Seeing no effect after the brutal beatings, the police then took a different approach and asked me with a pretentious attitude: "Why do you practice Falun Gong?" I said: "Falun Dafa teaches people to be good and cultivates the mind with the standards of Truthfulness, Compassion and Tolerance. Since I started practicing I have become healthy, my family has become harmonious, I am dedicated at work and I have gotten rid of many bad habits. I know how to be a really good person. Falun Dafa is the righteous path!" I think every being has its righteous side, and I started to introduce Dafa to him, hoping he would wake up. Then he asked me: "What is the relationship between [referring to Teacher's name] and you?" I answered right away: "My Master!" Right after the words I felt warmth at my belly. I knew it was Master helping me to develop Gong. I asked Master in my mind to strengthen my Gong. With these righteous thoughts my whole body felt extremely comfortable and my energy circulated. I understood that Master was right beside me. I could not describe the gratefulness in my heart. This made me even more firm toward Master and Dafa. I refused to sign my name on the records. At night they handcuffed me to the heater pipe and played the TV very loud to stop me from sleeping.

The next day they got someone from the Department of Politics and Administration to send me to the detention center. Before he left the head of the police station told the detention center guards to separate Falun Gong practitioners in different rooms. But in several days several fellow practitioners were sent to the same room where there were three other criminals. We introduced Dafa to them and told them the principles of being a good person. Later, one understood and Dafa saved him.

At the hallway one criminal stuck his head out and said to us: "I saw that your sentences were changed from 15 days of detention to forced labor." We studied the Fa, shared experiences from Fa and thought that we should not conform to the arrangements of the old forces. After calming our minds we put up our hands and sent forth righteous thoughts together to reject the arrangements of the old forces. We could feel the intense fighting between the righteous and the viciousness in other dimensions. The other three inmates in the room volunteered to stand at the door to watch for us.

After sending forth righteous thoughts continuously for a while we believed that the righteous thoughts would completely eliminate the evil.

One day one police told us at the door: "Just give up and go home to practice in private. Why do you stay here and suffer?" I answered at once: "Jiang persecutes Falun Gong. We are here to stand up for the truth."

On the 14th day the police interrogated another practitioner and myself. I did not cooperate with them. When they were interrogating the other practitioner. I sent forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the viciousness in the other dimensions. The fellow practitioner also did very well.

At night each of us sent out a thought that Dafa disciples are here to save beings. We should not be locked up here. Release us right away to do what we should. Master, please strengthen our powers. The next day we were released without conditions. This was all because of compassionate Master's protection. It is the power of Dafa!