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Australia: University of Western Sydney Hosts Symbolic Trial of Jiang Zemin (Photos)

November 24, 2003 |   By practitioners from Australia

(Clearwisdom.net, November 24, 2003) In early November 2003, a group of Falun Dafa practitioners held a symbolic trial of Jiang Zemin in the University of Western Sydney's Penrith campus. The symbolic recreation was aimed at informing staff and students that Jiang Zemin has been sued in six democratic countries for acts of torture, genocide and acts against humanity.

Dafa disciples played symbolic witnesses, each sharing real and common accounts of how the Chinese public has been pressured to continue the persecution. This included the biased and unfair legal procedures, large amounts of capital spent on fuelling the persecution and pressure placed on the academic community.

The trial was only targeted at Jiang Zemin, as he was responsible for masterminding the persecution of Falun Dafa in 1999 and used political means to satisfy his twisted jealousy. He caused the illegal jailing, torturing and killing of thousands of innocent Chinese. More than 800 have been confirmed dead. Unofficial figures suggest that this number was already more than 1,600 two years ago.

During the public trial we sometimes paused to inform passersby of the lawsuit and expose Jiang's crimes. The students and staff were sympathetic towards Falun Dafa. Some carefully read the information flyers that we handed out, while others stopped to examine our information desk. Many signed our petition to rescue Australian family members who are currently being detained and tortured in China.

A western student recalled her experiences as an international student in China. She also had been exposed to anti-Falun Gong propaganda through the university announcement system. She even witnessed a fellow student being dragged out of the lecture hall, because the student practiced Falun Gong. She did not believe the slanderous propaganda, but also felt that she could not speak out against it at the time due to the intense pressure.