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"Many People Are Waiting for Justice to Be Restored to Falun Gong So They Can Practice it!"

November 20, 2003 |  


"There are many people waiting for the time when justice is returned to Falun Gong so that they can practice it!"

One day I received a phone call from an old classmate. We had not heard from each other for 20 years. She asked me what I was doing. I told her that my company fired me for practicing Falun Gong. My former classmate surprised me by saying, "Falun Gong is great! I have been wanting to practice it. I have a colleague who practiced Falun Gong. He worked hard and never complained, and is always thinking of others. He is really an outstanding person! That is why I really want to practice Falun Gong, but just now Jiang Zemin won't let us! When justice is returned to Falun Gong I certainly will practice! I tell you, many people are waiting for the time when justice is returned to Falun Gong so that they can practice it!"

"You are very admirable people"

In a town within Wuhan City, there was a youngster who used to listen to and believe in the false propaganda spread by the Chinese media against Falun Gong, but Falun Gong practitioners repeatedly clarified the truth to him. They gave him Zhuan Falun and Master's lectures to read, and he finally realized the truth. Every time the youngster runs into Dafa practitioners, he wants them to tell him more about Falun Gong. Practitioners clarify the truth to give others an opportunity to understand Falun Gong, and how it is saving people. The youngster said, "Now people regard good as bad, and regard bad as good; only after meeting you do I understand how admirable you are."