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UK: Peaceful Appeal at the Chinese Embassy in London to Support Practitioners on Hunger Strike in Jilin province in China (Photos)

November 02, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) At 6pm on the 29th of October, Falun Gong practitioners in London gathered at the Chinese Embassy to hold a candlelight vigil and to support over 100 Falun Gong practitioners who are on hunger strike in Jilin prison. They appealed to the Mainland Chinese authorities to release the practitioners immediately and called for people to give urgent help.

Falun Gong practitioner Mr. Chen said: "Falun Gong practitioners in the UK have been appealing for 500 plus days. Today we have learned that in China there are many Falun Gong practitioners who have been arrested because they broadcast the truth about Falun Gong on TV. One practitioner, in particular, is in grave danger. As a result, 100 plus Jilin practitioners who are currently jailed are helping them by hunger striking. We are also here to assist them."

When talking about why they broadcast the television programs, Mr Chen said: "In China, there is no freedom of the press. Moreover, the propaganda about Falun Gong is full of lies and slanderous. Falun Gong practitioners have no choice but to let more people learn the true situation in this way." Afterwards, Mr. Chen talked about the content of these broadcasts: "They broadcasted two Falun Gong TV programs. One was 'The Facts about the Staged Self-immolation' and the other was 'Falun Dafa Spreads Worldwide'."

A western practitioner expressed that Falun Gong practitioners overseas are also continuously clarifying the truth in the hope that more people can learn about the Chinese regime's persecution of Falun Gong. He said: "I often distribute flyers in Chinatown after work, in hopes that more Chinese people will know the truth. I believe this is very meaningful, because when a person outside China knows about the true situation in China, he or she can tell his or her friends and relatives, so more people learn the truth. Eventually, the truth behind the persecution of Falun Gong will be known by everyone."