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Police Chief in Inner Mongolia Brings Disaster to His Entire Family by Persecuting Dafa Practitioners

November 15, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Police Chief Yang Lichun of Inner Mongolia, Tuquan County, Liming, tapped telephones to find the whereabouts of Falun Dafa practitioners and reported them to the "610 Office" [a bureau specifically created by the Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches.]. On the 6th of January 2001, Wang Jinghua led a group of police into Bayuquan District of Yingkou City, Liaoning Province and arrested practitioner Zhang. This practitioner was later unlawfully sentenced to one year in a forced labour camp.

Not long after this, Yang Lichun's wife was involved in a car accident and suffered severe injuries to her head. One person's action thus brought disaster to the entire family.

Shuangcheng Police Department "610 Office" receives retribution

Liu Zijing, from the Heilongjiang Province Shuangcheng Police Department's "610 Office" has been persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners and has been closely following the Jiang regime's orders. Liu's father handed the truth clarification material given to him by practitioner Liu Jie to the "610 Office" and reported Liu Jie to the police for clarifying the truth. This caused Liu Jie to be arrested and tortured to death within a few days.

Liu Zijing has just undergone an operation to remove his gallbladder, and is currently in the emergency unit of the hospital.

November 2, 2003