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Two Stories: Practitioners In China Validate Dafa with their Actions

November 01, 2003 |  


A retiree from Shandong Province who practices Falun Gong went to visit her hometown in 2002. On the way there by train, she explained the facts regarding the persecution of Falun Dafa to her fellow passengers. Some passengers were completely misinformed by the state-ran propaganda and didn't listen to her. A young person even questioned her with disgust. Then, the train came to a station. Two people got on and stood on a seat to place their luggage in the overhead bins. They dirtied the seat. The practitioner, without further hesitation, wiped the seat clean with her own hands. What she did seemed insignificant, but everyone saw it. The young person who questioned her earlier said immediately, "Why don't you hurry and wash your hands." After she came back, the young person held out a clean white washcloth, and said, "Please dry your hands." Then he asked her about the situation with Falun Dafa. The whole cabin listened, and they asked to see the flyers she was carrying. In this way she gave out the flyers immediately. She validated Dafa through her own actions.

One night I was working overtime. A nightclub called to report a drunkard making trouble. It was already midnight, so my co-worker and I went to the scene immediately. We brought the drunkard back to the police station. The fellow had been drinking a lot and cursed me with extremely dirty language. I kept a calm heart and my dignity intact. I clarified the truth to him when he was a bit more sober. He continued to stumble around from 2am until 5am; I didn't curse him once. After he became sober, I investigated why he was making trouble. When he found out that he had sworn at me, he said, "I respect you! I hope you won't seek vengeance!" I smiled and said, "I practice Falun Dafa, I won't seek vengeance. I just hope that you won't break the law again." He was deeply moved. Later we detained him for his offenses, and he took it wholeheartedly. Later, my coworkers said that I had discredited the police because I didn't get angry when the fellow cursed me. I wrote to my leader, "Will I bring credit to the police if I curse and beat a drunkard just because he got drunk and offended me? I investigated the reason for his offenses and punished him properly. Isn't that the best way to protect the dignity of a policeman?" After this, no one disagreed with me about the incident.