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Summary of Other Articles and News -- 10/01/2003

October 09, 2003 |  


Facts of the Persecution

Officials at the Jiutai Labor Camp in Jilin Province shock Dafa practitioners with electric batons, threaten them and deprive them of sleep. They order common inmates to beat Dafa practitioners and detain them in solitary confinement. Dafa practitioner Sun Zhigang suffered a mental collapse from this inhumane torture. Practitioner Wang Zhongfu's ribs were broken from beating.

The "610 Office" in E'zhou City, Hubei Province abducted Dafa practitioners and sent them to Hubei Province Brainwashing Class. Each session lasts one month and the "tuition" costs 6,000 Yuan. As for determined Dafa practitioners - some were persecuted for an extended period of time, and some were directly sent to police departments or labor camps. For incarcerated practitioners - if they refuse to write the "three statements," they would suffer sleep deprivation and are not allowed to go to the restroom.

On May 13, 2003, practitioner Chen Suxiang, a head doctor at Wuyi County Hospital in Hengshui, Hebei Province was abducted when distributing truth clarification materials. They sent her to Chengguan Town Police Department for one day where she was tortured. Later she was transferred to the County Detention Center and from there to the Zaoqiang Detention Center. She was on the verge of death following a nine day hunger strike. The police extorted 10,000Yuan from her family and then released her. On August 1, the police deceived Chen Suxiang into going to the police department and sent her to Baoding City for two years of illegal forced labor.

Li Defa, the Party Committee Secretary for the Hengshui Normal School in Hebei Province persecuted Dafa practitioners in the school. He forced all Dafa practitioners to write a "guarantee statement." On October 1, 1999, he forced the practitioners to sign a guarantee statement to promise they would not go to Beijing to appeal nor practice Falun Gong. In 2001, he helped Hengshui City "610 Office" to hold two brainwashing sessions in the Hengshui Normal School. He also financially exploited the Dafa practitioners. He ordered every released practitioner who had been abducted, illegally detained and had been sent to labor camp to write a guarantee statement before they would get their salary and their job back.

Lawless government officials in Jiaozuo City, Henan Province are planning to abduct determined Dafa practitioners, to subject them to brainwashing for more than one year. The fund for this plan will come from the practitioners' work units and the practitioners themselves. These unscrupulous officials had recently decided to instruct the work units to help to persecute the practitioners and to hold brainwashing classes inside the work units.

Qingdao City Labor Camp's training team often resorts to violence against Dafa practitioners. They order class leaders to brutally beat Dafa practitioners until several rubber clubs were broken from the beatings. They forced Dafa practitioners to do slave labor for more than 12 hours everyday. The perpetrators divided the money earned through the practitioners' labor among themselves.

The "610 Office" in Zhuhai City set up a secret prison inside the Minfu Hotel to persecute Dafa practitioners. Hundreds of practitioners were illegally detained there in groups. Even elderly practitioners in their 70's were not spared. Sometimes they were detained for as along as one year. Han, the secretary for Zhuhai City Politics and Law Committee beat a practitioner until his leg(s) was broken because the practitioner refused to obey him.

Other News From China

In June 2002 I went to my hometown to visit my father who was sick and in critical condition. I saw that he was only skin and bones, and he could not get up. He hadn't eaten for more than twenty days. I told my father, "If you believe in Dafa, say 'Falun Dafa is good' in your heart every day, and you'll be better for sure."

Later, I told my father the truth about Falun Gong. After he learned the truth, he was able to get out of bed and eat. From then on, my father said sincerely "Falun Dafa is good" everyday. Within three days, he could walk by himself and color returned to his face. I stayed home for ten days and clarified the truth to him everyday, and I read the book Zhuan Falun to him. It has been one year since then, and he has been very healthy. Dafa saved my father's life.