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Summary of Other Articles and News -- 9/22/2003

October 08, 2003 |  

Facts of the Persecution

[Shulan City, Jilin Province] Dafa practitioner Xie Guicheng from Baiqi Township is illegally detained at the Shulan Detention Center. He has been on a hunger strike for many days and is now in critical situation. Qu Guangchao from the Huangyu village, Fate Township went to Beijing to verify Dafa on August 16, 2003 and was arrested. The issue shocked the local police, because the "610 Office" [a bureau specifically created by the Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches] put pressure on all levels of government to make the arrest. Ms. Liu Dalin is a teacher at Shulan City. Since she is determined in practicing Dafa, she has been deprived of the right to give lectures. Recently, on September 12, 2003, she went back to her hometown and clarified the truth of Dafa to people at the Cultural Square, but was arrested by police officers from the Beicheng Police Station. Even the people who were listening to Liu were arrested.

[Fushun City, Liaoning Province] To coerce Dafa practitioners to give up the practice of Falun Gong, police officers at the Fushun Forced Labor Camp detain Falun Gong practitioners in a specially prepared room. There, only a few hours of sleep are allowed each day. Some practitioners were not allowed sleep for many days. Some Dafa practitioners' legs were bound up and handcuffed, and even using the bathroom was prohibited. Police have coerced Dafa practitioners to make crafts starting as early as 4 a.m. and working until midnight each day for over two months. Sometimes videos were played to brainwash Dafa practitioners, and sometimes they were forced to do heavy work outside the camp.

[Tangshan City, Hebei Province] The Tangshan Textile University Brainwashing Center is an evil place built to persecute Dafa practitioners. It was founded in March 2001. Each Dafa practitioner detained there is locked in an isolated room. If one does not give up practicing, one is not allowed to leave the room, and is shocked with electric batons. No sleep is allowed and noises from high-pitched loudspeakers fill the room. Each Dafa practitioner detained at the station is forced to pay 2000 Yuan [Chinese currency; the monthly salary for an average Chinese urban worker is about 500 Yuan] before the session starts. Dafa practitioners that go on hunger strike are force-fed and tortured again. There are still over ten Dafa practitioners detained there.

Recently, the Guye District in Tangshan City increased their persecution of Falun Gong practitioners. Officers frequent Dafa practitioners' homes to force them to fill out and sign forms denouncing Falun Gong. The head of the Guye District 610 Office spoke on the local TV station, awarding 500 Yuan to wicked police officers that arrest Dafa practitioners, and promised 500 Yuan as a reward to instigate other people to promote the arrest of Dafa practitioners.

Practitioners Exchange Insights

The evil persecution of Dafa can only come to an end by Dafa practitioners making progress and upgrading together. There used to be one hundred million Dafa practitioners in China, of which 70% were very dedicated practitioners. If all of us were to move actively, the evil would have no power to control the situation and it would have died by on its own. Four years have passed, but some fellow practitioners have not even clarified the truth to their own families. This might be because they lack righteous thoughts, or do not really believe in Dafa and Teacher, or are blocked by other personal concepts. Some keep on studying Dafa and doing the exercises, but are confined to small circles by the mindset of fear; this is often encouraged by one's family. Some fellow practitioners are in a mood of inactivity. They do not want to give up Dafa practice, but they are not energetic. Recently I spoke with several such fellow practitioners.

Before going, I sent forth righteous thoughts and asked Teacher to empower me. I brought them some of Teacher's most recent articles, as well as articles from the Minghui website and said, let's get started. Then they got started again. Yesterday, I sent one such fellow practitioner the new articles by Teacher, making him very happy. He said that he had been in a closed, unhappy mood and then became happy after our chat. He became as happy as a child, as he had been in the peaceful times, and wanted to know all about what new things Teacher had lectured on. I suggest all diligent fellow practitioners to talk with those who fall behind. Maybe one word from you is enough. All Dafa practitioners should also make the effort to break through our barriers and move forward as individuals. By making progress together, we could better resist the persecution and save more sentient beings.

Truth and People's Hearts

1) One Dafa practitioner works away from home. He stays with four other people in the same room. With righteous thoughts in mind, he keeps on clarifying the truth of Dafa to the four. They all know that what is shown on the TV are lies. Once, this practitioner went out to deliver Dafa truth flyers. One of the four said, "Do you have more flyers? Let me deliver some to tell people that the TV stations are lying, and Falun Gong is good!"

2) One day in April 2003, a young mother was feeding a one-year-old baby boy, but accidentally dropped the baby on his back from the second floor, onto a hard concrete floor. The emergency medical check found that the baby had experienced internal bleeding inside his skull, bleeding around his eyes, and a full break of his left thighbone. When the baby's grandma hurried to the hospital, the baby's father, said, "Ma, please hurry to ask Teacher to save my son. Hurry up!" Because the grandma is a Dafa practitioner, the baby's father knows of the miracles of Dafa. Several hours later, the baby woke up, and one month later, he fully recovered and left the hospital. Three months later, the broken leg became as good as new. The baby's mother said: Thanks to Dafa! She told her mother-in-law, "Please practice diligently; I support you!"

3) Before practicing Falun Gong both my husband and I suffered from bone proliferation and sciatica. Each year I spent a lot of money for medical care but it did not help much. However, after I practiced Falun Gong, all my diseases disappeared. In winter 2001, my daughter and I went to the city to set up a food stall. My daughter spilled some water into an oil pan and the exploded oil spattered onto my hands and face. Strings of blisters appeared on my hands and face. My husband forced me to get medical treatment. I thought that I am a practitioner and Teacher would take care of me. But my husband forcefully applied some folk remedy onto one of my hands. After a period of time, my face and the hand that had no medical treatment recovered completely, but the hand that was treated with medicine has been left with scars.

Other News

[Gansu Province, China] Song Dynasty Tomb Reveals Carved Pictures, Including a Caucasian-looking Angel

Recently, when excavating the items inside a Song Dynasty tomb, workers from the Qingshui County Museum found bright and lively carving on over a hundred colored bricks. The most astounding finding is a winged angel figure, which appeared to be Caucasian, with curly hair, a protruded nose, and deep-set eyes. It's apparently different than the oriental angel figure found at Dun-huang.