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Summary of Other Articles and News - 10/20/2003

October 27, 2003 |  


The Truth and People's Hearts

I went to see an older lady who is my neighbor. She told me that since the winter of 2001, she felt that she was losing strength in her legs. Later, pain developed in her joints. The doctors couldn't tell what the illness was, and drugs didn't work either. A lot of money had been spent and still no one could diagnose the illness. She couldn't turn while lying in bed, and couldn't manage her daily living. Several days later I went to see her again, and was surprised to see her greet me at the door with a cane. I asked how come she had such big improvement, and she said: "I received some material which says Falun Gong follows 'Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance', and that Master Li Hongzhi is benevolent, so I recited 'Falun Dafa is good' in my head. It was such a miracle that once I started reciting, the pain started to go away. Now I recite 'Falun Dafa is good' several times a day. Wouldn't you say that Falun Dafa is marvelous?" Later she told me she wanted to cultivate Falun Dafa. She is now reading Zhuan Falun daily.

Cases of Persecution

Dafa practitioner Hua Haiyu was employed by Resources and Equipment Company under Daqin Petroleum Administration Bureau. He died as a result of the persecution in April of this year. His wife Lin Yufan, who is also a Dafa practitioner, was asked to write a "promise letter" to give up Falun Gong, but she refused. The company threatened to fire her son and daughter-in-law to coerce her and as a result they had to divorce. Lin Yufan was also forced to leave home, leaving an eighty-year-old mother at home alone.

In the afternoon of September 14, 2003 (Chinese lunar calendar August 18), a group of police lead by Shen Tao from the Laixi city "610 Office" [a bureau specifically created by the Chinese government to persecute Falun Gong. It has absolute power over each level of administration in the Party, as well as over the political and judiciary branches] broke into the home of Dafa practitioner Cui Yan and illegally abducted her to the Laixi City brainwashing center. They also searched her home. After enduring 15 days at the brainwashing center Cui Yan was secretly transferred to Dashan Women's Detention Center.

Several police officers abducted Dafa practitioner Zhu Yujun, 34, male, from the Shulan City in Jilin province on the afternoon of Oct 10, 2003. It was only his second day on job at the Timber Administration Bureau. He was detained in the Shulan detention center. Zhu Yujun is currently on a hunger strike to protest his illegal detention. His wife Yu Junlin, a typist at the same workplace, has been ordered by the local police to stop work. She was also pressured by the employer to write a "promise letter." She and her 9-year-old son are under a lot of pressure.

In the second half of September 2002, persecution of Dafa practitioners occurred under the personal supervision of Lin, the team leader of the 5th district of the Jilin Prison. Because Dafa practitioner Zhen Weidong remained firm to Dafa he was deprived of sleep for 7-8 days, and later was tied to a bed for more than 5 days. On August 30, 2003, Zhen Weidong was so brutally beaten by someone in charge of the prison cells that it was a long time before he could walk again. Dafa practitioner Zhang Wen is still being brutally tortured in special prison cell number 5.

Exposure of the Sanshui Brainwashing Center in Guangdong Province

In October 2002, Ms. Ye Hongfang, a Dafa practitioner from Heyuan City, was abducted and taken to the Sanshui brainwashing center. Former practitioners who turned against Dafa under pressure banged Ye's head against the wall three times, causing multiple cuts and temporary blindness. They were afraid of being held responsible for her injuries, so they sent her back to the Heyuan city detention center. In July 2003, Ye was illegally sentenced to an 8-year prison term.

In 2003 right after the SARS epidemic, the 610 Office conducted a massive arrest of Dafa practitioners in many counties and cities in Guangdong province. Each Dafa practitioner was locked up in an isolated cell. They tried to force the practitioners to read anti-Falun Gong material for 16 hours a day. If the practitioner refused, the police would force them to kneel on one leg from 8 a.m. to midnight, and 5 or 6 police would bombard the practitioners with propaganda. They also put Master Li's portrait in the room and tried to force the practitioners to step on the picture.

News from China

In early morning hours of July 18, Dafa practitioners went into Linlin Park in the province's capital city Guiyang, and spread Dafa posters and banners with words like "Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance is good". Later practitioners continued posting truth-clarifying materials near the park. Some practitioners were taken away by police and detained in the Baihuashan detention center. While in prison, practitioners didn't cooperate with the police and walked out of the prison 10 days later. Soon afterwards, two big red banners and several smaller ones with the words "Falun Dafa is good" and "Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa" were posted at one of the busiest intersections in Guiyang.