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Latest News from China - 09/26/2003

October 17, 2003 |  


  • [Shandong Province] Liang Aichun Suffers Mental Collapse from Torture in the Wangchun Forced Labor Camp
  • [Northern China] Truth-Clarifying Banners Displayed Along the Main Street of a Large City
  • [Northeast China] Truth-Clarifying Banners Flutter Everywhere
  • [Northern China] Truth-Clarifying VCDs Distributed in Government Office Buildings
  • [Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Diao Shuanyun is Illegally Detained in the Heizuizi Female Prison for a Second Time
  • [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Criminal Records of Police in Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp
  • [Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province] Practitioner Chen Sudan Goes Missing While Distributing Truth-Clarifying Materials in Shenzhen City
  • [Jiaozuo City, Henan Province] Luo Gan Visited Jiaozuo City in May
  • [Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Doctor Wang Jingsong Detained in the Hewan Forced Labor Camp
  • [Gansu Province] The Ping'antai Forced Labor Camp Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners
  • [Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Policemen in Chongli County Persecute Falun Dafa practitioners
  • [Dongfeng County, Jilin Province] Practitioner Dong Yuqin Arrested
  • [Ningxiang County, Hunan Province] Crimes in the Detention Center

[Shandong Province] Liang Aichun Suffers Mental Collapse from Torture in the Wangchun Forced Labor Camp

Liang Aichun, over 50 years old, is a Falun Dafa practitioner from Shandong Province. This practitioner was illegally arrested from home during the 2002 Chinese Lunar New Year. Liang Aichun was very healthy when arrested, but has become extremely weak and has presently suffered a mental collapse due to severe torture. The police are not allowing anybody to visit Liang Aichun.

[Northern China] Truth-Clarifying Banners Displayed Along the Main Street of a Large City

In a big city in Northern China, two banners were hung up along a main street at noon on August 16 and again on September 23. One banner reads, "Cultivating Falun Dafa; Genuine Practitioners Do Not Commit Self-Immolation." The other banner reads, "Cultivating Truth-Compassion-Tolerance; Health Improved & Morality Upgraded." There were a lot of people reading the banners, but nobody tried to remove them. People in the world are awakening and admiring Falun Dafa practitioners' courage and wisdom. The first banner stayed up for over two hours, while the second banner was displayed for over forty minutes before someone took them down.

[Northeast China] Truth-Clarifying Banners Flutter Everywhere

On the evening of September 19, Falun Dafa practitioners in Northeast China hung up many truth-clarifying banners throughout a large area. All practitioners came back safely from the banner-hanging project. The banners read, "Bring Jiang to Justice!" and "The Self-Immolation at Tian'anmen Square Was Staged!"

[Northern China] Truth-Clarifying VCDs Distributed in Government Office Buildings

In the days around August 23, Falun Dafa practitioners distributed lots of truth-clarifying VCDs during office hours inside the government office buildings of a large city in Northern China. Each time they delivered the VCDs, Dafa practitioners walked out the well-guarded government office buildings openly and nobly. Their actions shocked the officers of the municipal government.

[Songyuan City, Jilin Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Diao Shuanyun is Illegally Detained in the Heizuizi Female Prison for a Second Time

Diao Shuanyun, 28 years old, is a Falun Dafa practitioner from Songyuan City. Wei Dong, He Bo and other policemen from the Lanzhou Public Security Bureau illegally arrested her on September 18, 2002. Ms. Diao had been forced to become destitute and homeless at that time, in order to avoid arrest. The police sent her to the No.2 Detention Center in Lanzhou City. By the end of September, Ms. Diao was taken back to the Songyuan Detention Center, where she was sentenced to five years in a forced labor camp. In July 2003, she was transferred to the notorious Heizuizi Female Prison, where she went on a hunger strike, protesting the detention. Three days later, Ms. Diao was sent back to Songyuan. However, the "610 Office" in Songyuan City once again sent her to the Heizuizi Female Prison in early August [the "610 Office" is an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems]. Currently, Ms. Diao is still on hunger strike and subject to brutal persecution.

[Changchun City, Jilin Province] Criminal Records of Police in Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp

Zhu Shenglin, Liu Shiwei, and Zhao Dongli are policemen from the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp, all actively involved in persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. They beat Mr. Sun Xianming and several other Falun Dafa practitioners until they became disabled. Liu Aiguo, head of No.7 Team, committed the crimes of slandering the heavenly Fa, and seriously harming sentient beings. Liu Haibo, a police guard, extended the prison terms for practitioners who refused to write the so-called "three statements of guarantee," [to renounce Falun Dafa] in order to keep Falun Dafa practitioners in detention and persecute them over a long term.

The No. 5 Team of the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp tried to transform Falun Dafa practitioners by using former practitioners against them, including Hou Zhenhai, who had "enlightened" along an evil path due to brainwashing and torture.

Shao Weixin, a Falun Dafa practitioner detained in the No.2 Team of the Chaoyanggou Forced Labor Camp, recently declared that he (she) has come back to the cultivation practice of Falun Dafa and declared void the "three statements" he (she) wrote under pressure.

Yuan Dachuan who used to work at the Politics & Security Section of the Yuyuan Public Security Branch in Changchun City, has actively involved himself in persecuting Falun Dafa practitioners. He has currently been transferred to the Criminal Team. He once beat and injured Yan Weihua and several other practitioners.

[Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province] Practitioner Chen Sudan Goes Missing While Distributing Truth-Clarifying Materials in Shenzhen City

On September 9, 2003, Guangzhou practitioner Chen Sudan went missing while distributing truth-clarifying materials in Shenzhen City. Chen Sudan's current whereabouts are unknown, and it is suspected that this practitioner has been arrested.

[Jiaozuo City, Henan Province] Luo Gan Visited Jiaozuo City in May

In mid May, Luo Gan visited Jiaozuo City. Wherever he goes, disasters follow. During the few days that he was in Jiaozuo City, it was very cloudy and misty. Security guards could be seen everywhere. The traffic was blocked for several hours because of him.

Brainwashing classes started in Jiaozuo City once again in May. Over a dozen Falun Dafa practitioners were arrested. In order to brainwash Falun Dafa practitioners, people from Hebei Province were specially organized to come and help with the brainwashing class.

[Wuhan City, Hubei Province] Doctor Wang Jingsong Detained in the Hewan Forced Labor Camp

On August 19, the Minghui website reported news regarding the persecution of Wang Jingsong. Wang Jingsong, a 39-year-old Falun Dafa practitioner, is a doctor from the No.3 Hospital in Wuhan City. Since July 25, when he was sent to the Hewan Forced Labor Camp, he has been detained under strict supervision together with over a dozen drug addicts. In a small cell measuring less than twenty square meters, he is subjected to all means of torture, including force-feeding and beating. We are very concerned about Mr. Wang's situation, and we hope that practitioners who see this news will send forth righteous thoughts for him.

Phone number of the Hewan Forced Labor Camp: 86-27-65650610
Phone number of the No.3 Hospital in Wuhan City: 86-27-88843447

[Gansu Province] The Ping'antai Forced Labor Camp Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners

The Ping'antai Forced Labor Camp has been a demon's den, persecuting Falun Dafa and Dafa practitioners continuously. Policemen break into practitioners' homes without any legal procedures. They have forced practitioners to stand in the rain for several nights. Some practitioners were forced to stand up for a whole month because they didn't write the so-called "materials" [stating that they have renounced Falun Dafa]. One practitioner said, "Falun Dafa is good!" when he was forced to stand in a line. The police guard dragged him into a cell and instructed all the prisoners in the cell to beat him up. As a result of the beating, the practitioner lost consciousness and lost control of his bladder. Even so, he was still handcuffed to a bed and tortured for 48 hours continuously.

[Zhangjiakou City, Hebei Province] Policemen in Chongli County Persecute Falun Dafa practitioners

Hu Cheng, a practitioner from Chongli County, was arrested when he went to the Traffic Police Team to register his vehicle. He managed to escape the evil's control by using righteous thoughts, but had to become homeless and destitute in order to avoid further persecution. The "610 Office" and the local police kept harassing his family members and relatives in order to find his whereabouts so they could arrest him. One of his schoolmates (a non-practitioner) was implicated, and had to leave his home in order to avoid the intense harassment.

Police have posted a reward of 2,000 Yuan for the arrest of practitioner Li Haijun [500 Yuan is equal to the average salary of an urban worker]. Li Haijun had formerly been detained in a forced labor camp. After he was released, the police went to his home and tried to coerce him into writing the so-called "four statements" [renouncing Falun Dafa]. Because Li Haijun didn't yield to the evil pressure, he was arrested. Later, he escaped from the police's control with his righteous thoughts and had to become homeless to avoid further persecution. A happy family of three was thus separated. He has been destitute for over a year; however, the police keep harassing his parents and keep his parents under surveillance by hiring vicious people living nearby to monitor them.

[Dongfeng County, Jilin Province] Practitioner Dong Yuqin Arrested

Dong Yuqin, a practitioner from Dongfeng County, was arrested, for no reason, on September 25, 2003. Then she was sent to the Liaoyuan City Detention Center. It was heard that she shouted loudly, "Falun Dafa is good!" when she was arrested. People around admired her very much.

Great damage has been done to Dafa and Dafa practitioners in Dongliao County. It is reported that police even dig through coal piles with spades in practitioners' homes in order to find truth-clarifying materials. Police have also started to arrest, on a large scale, practitioners whose names are on their list. Consequently, almost all the practitioners in Dongliao County have had to become homeless and destitute in order to avoid being arrested.

We hope that practitioners outside China can help. Further, we hope that practitioners in Dongfeng County and Dongliao County will look within and pay more attention to the effect of practitioners as a whole body. Be sure not to lose heart. Instead, we should become more unshakable, we should calm down, study the Fa more and send forth righteous thoughts more. Don't find any excuse for our own attachments. We hope that we can coordinate better as a whole body and together resist the evil that is damaging Fa-rectification.

[Ningxiang County, Hunan Province] Crimes in the Detention Center

Xiangxiang practitioner Li Shizhong was arrested for distributing truth-clarifying materials at the end of 2002. He was subjected to all manner of tortures in the detention center. He was beaten up brutally five times. Mr. Li was also shocked with electric prods, forced to "carry a sword in the back" [A torture whereby the practitioner's hands are tied behind his back with one hand over the shoulder and the other hand against the lower back. The police then apply a great deal of force to pull the two hands toward one another and handcuff the two hands together.], burned with cigarettes, kicked and hit. His persecutors stepped on his legs with heavy leather shoes and applied great pressure to his bones. They also struck both sides of his head with metal cups. Even today, Li Shizhong still cannot hear clearly. Xie Minghui, a policeman from the Ningxiang Public Security Bureau is the main person responsible for the torture. He is in charge of illegal interrogation of Falun Gong practitioners, and is the most vicious person in the Public Security Bureau.