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The Establishment of the "Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice" Generates Great Interest

October 12, 2003 |  

(Clearwisdom.net)The "Global Coalition to Bring Jiang to Justice" was established in Washington, D. C. on September 30, 2003. This aroused great interest amongst members of Chinese societies across Europe. According to a report by "Radio Free Asia", dated October the 3rd, the coalition has received support from European societies ever since its establishment, because its objective is to expose the crimes committed by Jiang, bring him to the court of conscience and justice, and have him stand before the law to receive judgment.

It is anticipated that this organization will receive support from many more organizations, communities, and individuals.

During the process of establishing the Coalition, two symposiums have been held in Paris to discuss public trials against Jiang for his crimes of genocide and torture. Lawsuits have also been filed in courts in Belgium, Iceland, Finland, Armenia and Moldova against Jiang Zemin and his main accomplice, Luo Gan, for the heinous crimes they have committed. This Coalition will further expand its activities related to bringing this dictator to justice across Europe.

Source: http://clearharmony.net/articles/200310/15542.html