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Summary of Other Articles and News - 01/05/2003

January 09, 2003 |  


Practitioners Exchange Insights

After I started cultivating, all my illnesses disappeared and I have been free of illness for nearly 5 years. Guided by Teacher's articles and hints in dreams, I understood the importance of studying the Fa, sending forth righteous thoughts, and clarifying the truth. I tried hard to do what a Dafa disciple is supposed to do at this time. There had been a period of time when I succumbed to demon's interference and I drifted off to sleep early in the evening. At midnight, I heard my husband say, "All Falun Dafa practitioners over the world are sending forth righteous thoughts!" This was a clear hint from Teacher and I felt ashamed of myself and immediately got up to send forth righteous thoughts. Once, in a dream, I exerted all my strength to try to save a group of students. When I woke up, I realized that Teacher was telling me that I had ignored schools when I distributed Dafa truth-clarifying materials, so I instantly corrected this error.

Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions

I attained Falun Dafa in 1997 and then went on a bright journey of life. Shortly after, I became free of illnesses and energetic. Since then, I have earnestly cultivated my heart, given up desires, and constantly improved my xinxing. Witnessing my physical changes, 10 people in my family started practicing Falun Gong. After July 20, 1999, on the path of Fa-rectification cultivation, from being afraid to not being afraid, from being irrational to being rational while explaining the facts and offering salvation to sentient beings, I continuously improved myself and became more and more mature.

In May 2001, I was abducted and sent to a forced labor camp. As soon as I arrived in the camp, the jail guards arranged for collaborators [former Falun Gong practitioners who have gone astray due to brainwashing and torture] to talk to me day and night, attempting to brainwash me. They made me sleep by an open window so I was in a cold draft and ended up with a bad cough. In order to make those practitioners who went on a hunger strike start eating, the police officers asked practitioners' family members and colleagues to visit and try to persuade them. At the same time, they did not allow the family members of criminal inmates to visit, which caused the criminal inmates to feel disgruntled with Dafa practitioners and therefore put a lot of pressure on practitioners.

We bought a used computer but could not get it to start up after we brought it home. After we sent forth righteous thoughts, we were finally able to start the computer but it took us more than 20 minutes to boot it. Later, the computer sometimes worked and sometimes did not. Whenever there was a problem, we sent forth righteous thoughts to clear the interference. A few days later, it only took 10 minutes for the computer to start up. One day, the computer could not be started, and it did not start up after we sent forth righteous thoughts. I suspected that the computer was infected with a virus. Later I realized that it was the evil's interference. Through constant Fa-study and sending forth righteous thoughts, the computer functioned normally.

News from China

Mr. Song Xingguo, a Falun Dafa practitioner from Zhulikou Village, Tengzhuang Town, Huanghua City, Hebei Province went on a hunger strike for a year at the Shijiazhuang Forced Labor Camp. He was transferred to Handan Forced Labor Camp in November 2002. Eleven days later, 29-year-old Mr. Song Xingguo was tortured to death. Related phone numbers:

Handan City government office: 86-310-3012889
Handan Forced Labor Camp: 86-310-4010037
Tengzhuan Town government office: 86-310-547-4032

The Education and Training Center of the Daqing Petroleum Administrative Bureau and its attached school, the Daqing Number 64 Middle School, act in collusion to persecute Falun Dafa practitioners. They conduct re-education sessions to try to brainwash practitioners, punish practitioners with high fines, imprison practitioners without following legal procedures, and send practitioners to forced labor camps. They also deprived two teachers of their rights to teach. The vicious perpetrators even attempted to abduct the teachers and brainwash them, but did not succeed. Recently, one of the teachers was arrested and detained in the city's detention center. The "education and training center", the school district, and her work place took turns sending people to a fellow practitioner's home and attempted to brainwash her.

News and Activities around the World

On the evening of January 3, 2003, Sydney Falun Dafa practitioners held their first New Year's group Fa-study. Practitioners exchanged their understandings of how to follow Teacher's Fa-rectification course during the current Fa-rectification cultivation period. Practitioners that are actively involved in clarifying the truth using multimedia (including TV) and those who participate in explaining the facts to local government officials shared their cultivation experiences about "it is not a job but cultivation practice." They also exchanged understandings and thoughts on how to clarify the truth to the precious Chinese people during the upcoming Spring Festival. Many practitioners expressed their hopes that they would have a group Fa-study once a week so as to be able to exchange insights thoroughly, to achieve mutual understandings, and to improve as a whole.