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Latest News From China - 1/22/2003

January 30, 2003 |  


  1. [Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Dafa Practitioner Mr. Yu Lian Unlawfully Sentenced to Twelve Years in Prison
  2. [Dalian City, Liaoning Province] The Evil Doings of Police Director Wang Daqing and His Associate Director Liu Fengxi
  3. [Jilin Province] Jilin Province Enters the "Advanced Security Phase" for the Spring Festival
  4. [Yingyang City, Henan Province] Record of Crimes Committed by Zheng Feng, Director of Yingyang City's Police Department
  5. [Sichuan Province] Please Pay Attention to the Situation of Dafa Practitioners Held in Prisons in Sichuan Province

[Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province] Dafa Practitioner Mr. Yu Lian Unlawfully Sentenced to Twelve Years in Prison

Mr. Yu Lian was born on November 22, 1967, in Zhejiang Province. He was an engineer of the Construction Planning Office of Shenzhen City's Xiongying Plaza. On November 3, 2001 he was arrested for clarifying the truth of Falun Gong. In April 2002, Futian District Court in Shenzhen City unlawfully sentenced him to 12 years in prison.

[Dalian City, Liaoning Province] The Evil Doings of Police Director Wang Daqing and His Associate Director Liu Fengxi

Wang Daqing, director of Ganjingzi District's Jinjiajie Police Precinct in Dalian City, and Liu Fengxi, the associate director, often searched Dafa practitioners' houses, arrested and kidnapped Dafa practitioners. They would then try to force them to write the "guarantee statement"[guarantee not to practice Falun Gong; expressing remorse for having done so in the past and promising no longer to associate with other practitioners or go to Beijing to appeal]. They also extorted from Dafa practitioners' families 5,000 Yuan [500 Yuan is the average monthly income in urban areas of China; in rural areas it is 200 Yuan] as ransom. Furthermore, they colluded with local residential committees to persecute Dafa practitioners.

[Jilin Province] Jilin Province Enters the "Advanced Security Phase" for the Spring Festival

Jilin Province has entered the "Advanced Security Phase" for the Spring Festival. According to the lunar calendar it is not even yet December 15th, but officials in Jilin Province have already held a security meeting. One of the most important things they discussed that needs doing is to prevent Falun Gong practitioners from appealing and distributing truth-clarifying materials. Each city or town will set up a 24-hour headquarters with fixed shifts and positions. Lower level governments cannot delay, miss or hide the report if anything happens. In spite of these concerns, one still can see the Dafa truth-clarifying materials at every corner of the province, in the streets, along small roads, in markets or outside the doors in cities, small towns, and villages.

One director of a police precinct received three pieces of Dafa truth-clarifying material in one day at his home, but he did not report this. Shortly after, officials from upper level government asked him about the matter. The director answered, "There are too many of these kinds of materials, and the people who distributed them were quite discreet. If I reported this, then you would ask me, 'Who did it?' How would I answer then?"

[Yingyang City, Henan Province] Record of Crimes Committed by Zheng Feng, Director of Yingyang City's Police Department

According to incomplete statistics, since April 25th, 1999, Zheng Feng has illegally extorted cash totaling over 460,000 Yuan [500 Yuan is the average monthly income in urban areas of China; in rural areas it is 200 Yuan.] from Dafa practitioners. He personally led his men to illegally ransack practitioners' homes and grab everything they saw, including TV sets, VCD players, tape recorders, bank deposit books, cash, not even leaving loose change behind. If they failed to ransack some valuable property, they would openly quote a price, saying they would only release the practitioners if their family members pay the money, otherwise the practitioners' terms would be extended or they would be sentenced to lengthy prison terms.

The practitioners being arrested were often extorted 10,000 Yuan, 5,000 Yuan, 3,000 Yuan, 2,000 Yuan or 500 Yuan, depending on the situation. They would also simply take whatever cash or bank deposit books practitioners had at their homes, often ranging into thousands of Yuan in bank deposit books. Once a practitioner was arrested, his family members went to the police department. The police said that the practitioner could only be released on the condition that the family members would hand in 10,000 Yuan for his "living expenses" there. As his family members didn't pay the extortion fee, the practitioner was released only after being held for over ten months. Zheng Feng used to be a deputy director, but has now been promoted to director for his "achievements" in persecuting Falun Gong. Now he is committing crimes even more rampantly.

After 5:00 p.m. on January 2, 2003, Zheng Feng instructed policemen to turn the home of Dafa practitioner Mr. Ma Baogui from Gaocun Township upside down and grabbed over 1,300 Yuan. They even confiscated the change from the child's drawer. Mr. Ma Baogui was taken to the police department and is presently being held at the Sanlizhuang Detention Center.

[Sichuan Province] Please Pay Attention to the Situation of Dafa Practitioners Held in Prisons in Sichuan Province

The forced labor camps throughout Sichuan Province are extending the terms of practitioners who refuse to write the so-called "Three Statements" [Practitioners are coerced under brainwashing and torture to write these as proof that they have given up their belief. Created by the "610 Office," the three statements consist of a letter of repentance, a guarantee to never again practice Falun Gong, and a list of names and addresses of all family members, friends and acquaintances who are practitioners.] They also intensified the persecution. All kind-hearted people in the world, please pay attention to these Dafa practitioners' situation in China and condemn the Jiang regime's criminal deeds.