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Dafa Practitioner Remains Steadfast Under Severe Torture

January 17, 2003 |  


On November 6, 2002, eight policemen carrying submachine guns arrested me and forcibly took me to the police substation. They handcuffed my hands together and forced me to maintain a squatting position from around 6:00 p.m. until 1:30 a.m. One policeman hit me in the head repeatedly. At that time, I had only one thought in my mind, to "steadfastly cultivate Dafa, with the will unflinching." ("True Nature Revealed") No matter how this policeman tortured me, I would not give up Dafa cultivation.

Later I was transferred to a detention center. Despite the situation, I continued to recite the Fa and do the exercises. A police supervisor put me in shackles, which cut into my flesh and caused bleeding. The other prisoners said that one could usually bear this kind of cruel torture for at most ten minutes. However I was determined in my righteous thoughts: I had the Fa with me, I had our Teacher with me, and I was afraid of nothing. I kept reciting the Fa. In order to protest, I went on a hunger strike.

Every day the policemen asked if I wanted to admit making a mistake. They said that if I did so, they would unlock the shackles. I said it was not illegal or wrong for me to cultivate "Truthfulness, Compassion, Forbearance." It was not illegal or wrong to strive to be a good or a better person. The policemen knew that they could not change me, so they unlocked my shackles on the fourteenth day.