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Back to Goslar, Germany to Clarify the Truth

September 07, 2002 |   By a German practitioner

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(Clearwisdom.net) When Jiang Zemin visited Goslar, Germany in April even the manhole covers to the sewers were welded shut, as shown in a photo carried in Goslar's newspaper (http://www.clearwisdom.net/emh/articles/2002/4/29/21487.html). Goslar residents were very angry at Jiang's visit. Some people also helped Falun Gong practitioners display banners.

On August 19, five of us went to Goslar again to clarify the truth to local government officials, mass media, churches and non-government organizations. A staff member of a political party mentioned he was regretful for not being able to find any yellow clothes; otherwise he would take to street with us. An assistant to the Mayor told us that our peace and sincerity are obvious to everyone.

A Roman Catholic priest said that we had done the right thing. He suggested we talk to people from all walks of life. The general public still vividly remembered the overly tight security measures during Jiang's visit. Not only did they regard it as something inconceivable, but they were also angry at the matter. When we told them that a female student from China had been detained for nine hours without decent reasons and that a German national's flyers, photos and personal books were confiscated by police on his way to Goslar for a peaceful protest, they were shocked and said that they didn't know the situation was so serious.

Then we told them about the incidents in Iceland, Hong Kong and Cambodia. We told them that the persecution of Falun Gong was not simply a China issue, as there were many other countries affected by Jiang's influence in the past four months. In particular, three of them have long been known for their democracy and freedom. If we don't stop Jiang's evildoing in the world altogether now, the persecution may spread to more countries, leading to disasters for the people in these countries. After listening to our explanations, those with a sense of justice asked, "What are you going to do? Hire lawyers?" Some of them even said that we should sue the German policemen.

In the course of our clarification of truth in Goslar, we found that their understanding of Falun Gong was that Falun Gong is peaceful and persecuted. They supported Falun Gong simply because of their earnestness and sense of justice, but they didn't really understand much about Falun Gong and the reasons for the persecution. I think that should be the major content of our next stage of profound, penetrating, and delicate clarification. As a result, we immediately applied for permission to hold a Falun Dafa Information Day ten days later. The day before the event, we talked with local police officials about their unfair treatment of Falun Dafa practitioners during Jiang 's visit to Goslar.

Goslar city residents said there were more rainy days this past summer than ever before. In the two days we stayed there, Goslar had torrential rain. Once it even rained with roaring thunder, which is a rare occurrence in Germany. The phenomenon reminded us of the recent serious flooding in Germany, and we knew that all this was by no means an accident.

The process of clarification also requires us to intensify our righteous thoughts. We gradually understood that we must let more people know that the measures taken by the German government and police during Jiang's visit had not been righteous, and that what we are doing is simply rescuing people from disaster.