(Clearwisdom.net) The Annual Oslo University Student Festival unveiled in the sunny mid-summer Oslo. Like last year, Dafa practitioners at Oslo University attended the event and introduced Dafa to students and professors of the university on August 28, 2002. Many students and professors already knew about Falun Gong through practitioners' continuing efforts over the past few years. A professor collected all the information from our Dafa table. Apparently he had great interest in Falun Dafa.
There was an interesting story during the festival. A student asked a practitioner after having viewed all the information on the exhibition board, "Why are there so many policemen? What are they doing?" Having learned about the persecution Dafa practitioners are experiencing in China, he said bluntly, "It is not good. Have you tried to stop the persecution?" The practitioner replied, "We are here to tell everyone of this matter, to let people with conscience around the world help stop this persecution." The student said, "If we are going to hold a discussion on human rights, I will give you a call. Will you come to tell us about the persecution that is happening in China?" He left feeling satisfied after getting an affirmative answer.