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Summary of Other Articles and News - 08/31/2002

September 03, 2002 |  


Facts about the Persecution

He Sanpu, a Falun Dafa practitioner from The Henan Daily, was sentenced to forced labor education for two years and three months. In the forced labor camp, he insisted on practicing Falun Dafa. His term was supposed to be over on August 23, 2002. Instead, he was taken by the authorities of his work unit in collaboration with the "610 Office" [an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] from the forced labor camp and sent to a brainwashing class held at the "Sunset Mountain Villa" located in the west suburb of Zhengzhou City, Henan Province.

Natural Disasters, a Warning to Mankind

According to the reports by Ming Bao, Hebei province has suffered serious drought for six consecutive years with millions of people not having enough water. The drought in Hebei Province has already adversely affected the water supply to Beijing and Tianjin. The water in the Guanting Reservoir and the Miyun Reservoir, two major reservoirs that supply water to Beijing, come from Hebei Province. The water supply from Hebei is rapidly dwindling.

According to a report from Mingpao Daily News on August 30, since August 23, it has been extremely muggy in Guangzhou City. Local citizens felt as if they were in a huge sauna and it is very hard to endure. The weather will continue to be like this for at least a few more days.

Make the Best Use of Our Time to Clarify the Truth to the Chinese People

My thoughts on reading Teacher's new article "Hurry Up and Tell Them": After CCTV broadcast the Xianyang homicide case to frame Falun Gong, one of my friend's colleagues clarified the truth about Dafa to the people in his office. Even an everyday person can clarify the truth about Dafa to his colleagues who do not know the real story, let alone us practitioners. As Dafa disciples in the Fa-rectification period, don't we understand that to clarify the truth is to offer salvation to sentient beings? How can we stop?

Practitioners Exchange Insights

Facing the evil with righteous thoughts:

On the train, 3 servicemen, 2 officers and 2 college students were chatting with each other. Without hesitation, I took out some truth-clarification materials for them to read. However, they immediately started to verbally abuse me. Two of the servicemen even cursed at me, threatening to call 110 (the equivalent of 911 in China). I looked into their eyes and sent forth righteous thoughts. They then gave up their idea of calling 110. At this time, 2 train attendants came up to us. The servicemen pointed at me and told the attendants that I practiced Falun Gong. The two attendants took a look at me, but paid no attention to the servicemen. I kept sending forth righteous thoughts and looking into their eyes. A few minutes later, they said, "Fine, you win."

Reference Materials

An account about giants in an ancient Chinese book "Taiping Guangji." During the Tang Dynasty, some messengers went to Japan by sea. On the way there, they encountered a gale force wind; one hundred or more people were blown ashore. The seashore was about 20-30 Zhang (ancient Chinese unit of length: 1 Zhang=3.3 meters) high. After they climbed up the seashore, they came across some giants, who were about 2 Zhang tall. When the giants saw the Tang messengers, they were delighted and invited them into the house. Then they blocked the door with rocks. In the backyard, the messengers found 30 women who were also blown to this place by gale, and had been held there since to make clothes for the giants. With the help from these women, the messengers were able to get away. After they boarded the boat, they saw over 1000 giants rushing down the hill to the shore. Unable to catch the boat, these giants were furious, dashing around and roaring in anger like tigers. The messengers and these women eventually returned home safely.