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UK Dafa Practitioners Spread Falun Dafa in Coventry (Photos)

September 21, 2002 |   By UK Dafa Practitioners

(Clearwisdom.net) On June 14, 2002, Dafa practitioners spread Falun Dafa to peaceful and kind-hearted citizens of Coventry under the Lady Godiva statue to let more people learn the truth about Falun Dafa.

During our activity, a Westerner who is a Shaolin martial arts teacher learned the news and came with several of his students to observe and learn. He earnestly discussed with practitioners about the high-level principles Falun Dafa contains. Several months ago, at a City Life Exhibition, his martial arts booth was right next to our Falun Dafa booth. He was deeply attracted to our elegant and smooth exercises and peaceful and harmonious energy field. He felt that the power of "Truthfulness-Compassion-Forbearance" cultivated from Falun Dafa is magnificent, and that the mighty power of tolerance and compassion is far more powerful than fists and clubs. Cultivation is the ultimate goal of martial arts students. After carefully observing practitioners' exercise demonstration, he invited practitioners to come to his martial arts club to hold Falun Gong sessions to let more people learn about Falun Dafa and the genuine art of cultivation.

On the second day of our activity, many people contacted us to express their earnest desire to learn the exercises.