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Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts to Help Fellow Practitioners' TV Broadcasts in China

September 15, 2002 |  


Many Falun Dafa practitioners have realized that television programs are a good way to clarify the truth in China. Due to its popularity, watching TV is an indispensable part of daily life for people, especially in remote areas and far into the vast countryside, where television is the only way for local residents to learn about what's happening in the outside world. Since July 20th, 1999, authorities began brainwashing the Chinese people with lies using television to poison the minds of so many beings. Due to the important role television plays in China, it has become one of the most efficient ways for more Chinese people to know the truth within the shortest amount time.

At the beginning of this year, Falun Dafa practitioners in China began to clarify the truth through television, using different technology to break through the information blockade. Each successful broadcast offered salvation to a large number of people, as it revealed the regime's vicious lies. The state-run media can no longer poison and confuse people's minds without being counteracted by the truth. After watching programs such as The Witness and The Historic Trial, some residents in the countryside had a brand new understanding of Falun Gong.

Due to the magnificent outcome of using television to clarify the truth, the authorities panicked becamepapand are desperately trying to persecute the Falun Dafa practitioners involved in the project. After the success of the broadcast using cable TV in Changchun City, the authorities have escalated their persecution. For the sake of security, only a few practitioners are in the TV team for now, and they are being severely interfered with. Because of the persecution, sometimes these practitioners cannot find the needed equipment, and at some other times they feel physically uncomfortable. Therefore, vicious interference has slowed down the TV project. We are asking Falun Dafa practitioners from around the world to send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the sabotage and interference. Let us fully take advantage of the power of Falun Dafa practitioners as a whole, strengthening and advancing the project, making it a great success. Let us strive to clarify the truth to all the Chinese people within the shortest amount of time so as to save more beings.