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Latest News from China - 09/01/2002

September 12, 2002 |  


  • [Daqing, Heilongjiang Province] Daqing Forced Labor Camp Brutally Tortures Falun Dafa Practitioners
  • [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] The Police Arrest Several Falun Dafa Practitioners
  • [Lingyuan, Liaoning Province] The Police Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners
  • [Linyuan, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Hou Yanshuang Is Illegally Sentenced to Fourteen Years
  • [Xiantao, Hubei Province] Two Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Illegally Arrested
  • [Zhenzhou, Henan Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhang Kexuan Is Illegally Detained
  • [Beijing] Watch Out for Police and Security Guards conducting Security Sweeps At Night
  • [Jining, Shandong Province] The Police Illegally Arrest Three Falun Dafa Practitioners
  • [Zhoukou City, Henan Province] Zhoukou City Detention Center Illegally Detains Falun Dafa Practitioners For Long Periods of Time
  • [Henan Province] Henan Female Forced Labor Camp Has Not Stopped Torturing Falun Dafa Practitioners Since July 1999
  • [Guangzhou, Guangdong Province] Guangzhou Zhuhai District "610" Brainwashing Center Brutally Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners
  • [Beijing] Fangshan "610" Office Attempts to Force Each and Every Falun Gong Practitioner to Give Up Their Belief
  • [Guangdong Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Send Congratulations for the Establishment of Venezuelan Falun Dafa Association and Czechoslovakian Republic Falun Dafa Association
  • [China] Homeless Falun Dafa Practitioners Send Congratulations for the Establishment of Czechoslovakian Republic Falun Dafa Association
  • [Zhenzhou, Henan Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Send Congratulations for the Establishment of Venezuelan Falun Dafa Association and Czechoslovakian Republic Falun Dafa Association
  • [Shenzhen, Guangdong Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Send Congratulations for the Establishment of Venezuelan Falun Dafa Association and Czechoslovakian Republic Falun Dafa Association
  • [Yunnan Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Send Congratulations for the Establishment of the Argentine Falun Dafa Association and Venezuelan Falun Dafa Association in South America

1. [Daqing, Heilongjiang Province] Daqing Forced Labor Camp Brutally Tortures Falun Dafa Practitioners

Between April 1 and July 10, 2002, Daqing Forced Labor Camp held a class known as the so-called "one hundred day safe transformation" where they used brutal and unsafe measures to force Falun Dafa practitioners to renounce their belief in Falun Dafa. In the labor camp's first squad, the chief, Lai Zhonghui, political instructor Wang Junping, vice-chief Wang Yingzhou and other police used sentence-reduction as the incentive to coerce the inmates to mercilessly beat and torture the practitioners for them. Many practitioners including Du Guocong, Bai Shuang, Xing Quanzhen, Xu Bin, and Ren Liang were injured. The police isolated practitioner Zhuang Gangxiang, and punished him by tying him to an iron chair, and beating him. Zhuang has not recovered since, often he has symptoms like spasms, his whole body becomes numb, and he can hardly walk. Dafa practitioner Liu Fubin is still in isolation and frequently encounters beatings and verbal abuse from the inmates.

The inmates who participated in the torture of Dafa practitioners included: Zhao Jinfa, Fei Qingwei, Huo Honghai, Li Chunlong, Zhao Junmin, Xing Lidong, Lu Shengchao, Huo Jian and so on.

The Daqing Forced Labor Camp first squad telephone: 86-459-4604903

2. [Chengdu City, Sichuan Province] The Police Arrest Several Falun Dafa Practitioners

From August 21 to 22, 2002, seven Dafa practitioners including Yang Guobin (male), Wang Haibo (male, from Chaihuoping, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province), and Lao Gao (male, alias) suddenly went missing in Chengdu. We have heard that the police arrested them at their respective residences.

The police from Jinyang Police Station in Wuhou district, Chengdu City forcefully arrested Wang Haibo from his residence at Jinyang Central Park and searched his home. They confiscated a copy machine and a CD writer that he used to make Dafa materials. The local police from his hometown in Jiangxi Province also searched his house there.

3. [Lingyuan, Liaoning Province] The Police Persecute Falun Dafa Practitioners

In the winter of 2001, just because a Falun Dafa practitioner from a county in Lingyuan wrote "Falun Dafa is good" on the side of a road, the local police arrested him and illegally detained him for more than three months. The county fined the practitioner 400 Yuan.

After July 20, 1999, female practitioner Zhang Xiaoyan of Linyuan was illegally detained for half a month and fined more than 1000 Yuan.

Since July 20, 1999, practitioners Li Yong and his wife have been illegally detained twice, the first time for half a month and second time for more than 20 days. They were fined 500 Yuan and 1400 Yuan respectively. Then they detained Li's wife for two months for the third time and fined her 345 Yuan. They illegally sent Li to a forced labor camp for 1 and half years, during which time Li was so tortured that his life was once in danger. They also fined Li's wife 200 Yuan.

4. [Linyuan, Liaoning Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Hou Yanshuang Is Illegally Sentenced to Fourteen Years

Hou Yanshuang worked at Liaoning Linyuan Iron and Steel Company. The police arrested him for making Dafa materials and have illegally sentenced him to 14 years in prison. The police also issued a warrant with rewards for Hou's wife, Li Chunxia's arrest. The couple has a son who is in elementary school and now has to depend on relatives, friends, and the neighbors to take care of him. The police confiscated Hou's family properties worth more than 80,000 Yuan, more than 10,000 Yuan in cash, a tricycle, and a house. We hope all righteous people will pay attention to the persecution of Hou and his family.

5. [Xiantao, Hubei Province] Two Falun Dafa Practitioners Are Illegally Arrested

On August 25, 2002, practitioners Xiao Hongbing and Zhou Hongcai were arrested when they were distributing Dafa materials in the Town of Guohe. They are currently being detained at Xiantao First Detention Center. They have been on a hunger strike in order to protest, and their situation is not good. This is the second time that they have been arrested. Their first arrests were during this year's Spring Festival when they were distributing Dafa material in the Town of Mazui.

Other practitioners who were illegally detained in Xiantao area for distributing Dafa materials include Zhang Yuzhi, Zhu Shouqing, and Lao Yang

6. [Zhenzhou, Henan Province] Falun Dafa Practitioner Zhang Kexuan Is Illegally Detained

On August 25, 2002, the police illegally arrested practitioner Zhang Kexuan of Zhengzhou and are holding him at the Xihu Detention Center

7. [Beijing] Watch Out, the Police and Security Guards are Conducting Security Sweeps At Night

Recently the police and security guards in Beijing are conducting frequent "clean checks" especially at night. Several days ago, some practitioners who became homeless in order to avoid the persecution were taken in by the police for being without IDs and they have not been seen since.

8. [Jining, Shandong Province] The Police Illegally Arrest Three Falun Dafa Practitioners

In the afternoon of August 21, 2002, Jining police including Guo Hongtao illegally arrested practitioner Wang Chan from Beijing, Yu Luping (female), and Wang Yuxia (female) at Liangshan County bus station in Jining and brutally tortured them. This is another crime conducted by policeman Guo whose evil conduct has been exposed on Minghui.net before.

9. [Zhoukou City, Henan Province] Zhoukou City Detention Center Illegally Detains Falun Dafa Practitioners For Long Periods of Time

Hu Keying, female, 60, was a worker at Henan Province Siwu Liquor Factory. During 1999 -- 2000, she was illegally detained several times. In order to safeguard Dafa, she went to Beijing to legally and peacefully appeal on October 1, 2000. For this, she was illegally sent to a forced labor camp for one year. She was released after being held for an additional month after her original sentence was up. At midnight on December 29th, 2001, Zhoukou City, Chuanhui District Police illegally arrested her again and has been holding her at Zhoukou City Detention Center ever since.

Cao Fengying, female, 40, was a worker at Zhoukou City Textile Factory. On October 1, 2000, she went Beijing to legally and peacefully appeal. Zhoukou City, Chuanhui District Police illegally arrested her again and has been detaining her at Zhoukou City Detention Center ever since.

Yang Xiuqin, female, 49, was a worker at Zhoukou City Chuanhui District Local Product Company. On October 1, 2000, she went to Beijing to legally and peacefully appeal. Zhoukou City Chuanhui District Police illegally arrested her again and detained her at Zhoukou City Xihua Detention Center for 13 months. After being released, she continued to clarify the truth and post Dafa flyers. On March 29, 2002, Zhoukou City Chuanhui District Police illegally arrested her again and has been detaining her at Zhoukou City Detention Center ever since.

Mo Qi, 34, was a worker at Zhoukou City Chuanhui District Local Product Company. Zhoukou City Chuanhui District Police illegally arrested her again and has been detaining her at Zhoukou City Detention Center ever since.

10. [Henan Province] Henan Female Forced Labor Camp Has Not Stopped Torturing Falun Dafa Practitioners Since July 1999

Henan Province Female Forced Labor Camp has been brutally torturing Falun Dafa practitioners for more than three years. Each of the four squads has used sinister and ruthless methods to torture the practitioners. The third and fourth squad, in particular have been torturing practitioners physically and mentally. We urge kind people to maintain justice and please help the Falun Gong practitioners.

11. [Guangzhou, Guangdong Province] Guangzhou Zhuhai District "610" Brainwashing Center Brutally Persecutes Falun Dafa Practitioners

Guangzhou Zhuhai "610" Office is holding brainwashing sessions at He Guirong Welfare Center in Zhuhai district. Recently, it escalated the persecution of firm Falun Dafa practitioners. Some of these practitioners have been illegally detained for more than two years. They singled out these practitioners including Shen Yuanhui and Zhou Bo and locked them on the tenth floor while other practitioners were locked on the ninth floor. They have been cruelly tortured mentally. The intensity and sinister degree of the persecution has far surpassed that which occurred in "the Great Cultural Revolution".

It also sent some young male practitioners to Huangpu Drug Abuse Center, the most evil place in Guangzhou, where the practitioners are physically tortured.

We would like to ask all Falun Dafa practitioners to seriously send forth righteous thoughts and together eliminate the evil in other dimensions.

12. [Beijing] Fangshan "610" Office Attempts to Force Each and Every Falun Gong Practitioner to Give Up Their Belief.

Beijing Fangshan "610" office recently asked every practitioner to fill out forms and write "guarantees to give up practicing Falun Gong.

Two practitioners from Shihuadong Village were sent to a brain-washing center in Doudian.

13. [Guangdong Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Send Congratulations for the Establishment of Venezuelan Falun Dafa Association and Czechoslovakian Republic Falun Dafa Association

Hearing of the establishment of the Venezuelan Falun Dafa Association and the Czechoslovakian Republic Falun Dafa Association, Falun Dafa practitioners from Guangdong Province feel joy and inspiration. The propagation of Dafa has established a stable foundation in the human world and is blooming and bearing fruit in more countries. Together, hope we can do better during the Fa-rectification.

Falun Dafa Practitioners From Guangdong Province

August 24, 2002

14. [China] Homeless Falun Dafa Practitioners Send Congratulations for the Establishment of the Czechoslovakian Republic Falun Dafa Association

Gladly we hear of the establishment of Czechoslovakian Republic Falun Dafa Association, practitioners from China send sincere congratulations. At this historically critical moment, let us practitioners inside and outside of China form an indestructible body to destroy the old force's arrangement and welcome the upcoming Fa-rectification of the human world.

Chinese Falun Dafa practitioners who are homeless in order to avoid the persecution

August 29, 2002

15. [Zhenzhou, Henan Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Send Congratulations for the Establishment of Venezuelan Falun Dafa Association and Czechoslovakian Republic Falun Dafa Association

16. [Shenzhen, Guangdong Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Send Congratulations for the Establishment of Venezuelan Falun Dafa Association and Czechoslovakian Republic Falun Dafa Association

17. [Yunnan Province] Falun Dafa Practitioners Send Congratulations for the Establishment of Argentine Falun Dafa Association and Venezuelan Falun Dafa Association in South America
