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Some Cases of Kidnapping, Physical Abuse, and Extortion of Dafa Practitioners in Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province

September 11, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) Ms. Li Qingzhen, female, 44 years old, lives in Daqing Babai Shang. Her husband works for the Well Cementation Team of the Heilongjiang Daqing Oil Drilling Company. In 2000, the company forced Falun Gong practitioners to pay 5,000Yuan "bail" (the average monthly income in urban areas of China is about 500 Yuan; in rural areas the earnings are a mere 200 Yuan, or $23.50). If anyone did not pay the money, he/she would not be allowed to go to work. Meanwhile, practitioners' ID cards were withheld for over one year. On April 28, 2001, with some other practitioners, Li Qingzhen went to Mingshui County to tell people the truth about Falun Dafa. They were detained by persons from the Mingshui County Police Station, and their vehicle was confiscated. Li Qingzhen was arrested on August 21. In October, she was illegally sentenced to seven years in prison. During the entire trial, the court did not allow the practitioners to get a defense attorney. All the others were illegally sentenced to forced labor. Besides the vehicle, the police also confiscated more than 800 Yuan cash, one cellular phone, and two beepers.

Ms. Shi Jing, female, 32 years old, is a resident at No. 1-2-24 in Chengfeng Township, Daqing City, Heilongjiang Province. In October 2000, she was on her way to Beijing to appeal for Dafa, but was intercepted by police in Shanhaiguan, and was illegally detained for 15 days. Later she was illegally detained by her work unit until January 2001. Because she strongly protested against this kind of illegal detention and refused to guarantee not to go to Beijing to appeal, her work unit sent her to the detention center, where she was detained for nine days. After that, she was taken to a labor camp for a one-year forced labor sentence. On July 16, 2001, she once again went to Beijing to appeal and was arrested for holding up a banner. Because she refused to tell her name and address, she was beaten mercilessly and interrogated by Qianmen Police Station authorities for about 2 hours. During this period, the police choked, beat, kicked, and hit her with wooden boards, grasped her hair and dragged her on the ground, hit her head against the wall, and slapped her cheeks. Because of the brutal abuse, she had a hard time walking. The bruises on her body did not disappear until one month later. Later, she was again beaten, this time by the people in the local liaison office in Beijing, and her nose bled continuously.

After being escorted back, she was detained in the custodial center for 32 days, and in the detention center for 22 days. During this time, she went on a 47-day hunger strike to protest, and was insulted and force-fed. In the labor camp, because she refused to answer roll call, the warden ordered some criminals to beat her and another practitioner who also refused to answer. Later, she was illegally sentenced to two years of forced labor. Because she did not pass their physical examination, they let her out on bail for medical treatment. At the end of December 2001, she was illegally arrested when she was visiting a practitioner's home and detained at the city detention center. After going on a hunger strike for over a month to protest against the illegal imprisonment, she was released. In October 2000, Song Dongan from Chengfengzhuang Police Station confiscated one computer and one printer, valued at approximate950 Yuan, from her. At the beginning of February 2001, Wan Qihong from the Power Supply Subsidiary Company withheld part of her salary.

Ms. Xu Shiling, female, 38 years old, lives at Number 5 - 12 - 2 - 201 in the residential compound of an Oil Drilling Factory. On June 19, 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. She was later escorted back by persons from the local "610 Office" liaison bureau in Beijing and extorted 3,100 Yuan. On June 22, she was returned to Daqing. They interrogated her in the Datong District Police Department, where Datong Political and Security Department head, Wang Shuhua, threatened her. Along with Wang Fengmei, she was illegally escorted to and imprisoned in Daqing City Detention Center. On the evening of November 25, 2000, she and her husband, Shi Yachen, had just arrived at practitioner Wang Guojun's home, when the police officers Yuan Shouyi and Jiao Xiaodong from the local precinct arrived right after them. The police illegally imprisoned the seven practitioners in the local police station until noon the next day. On February 27, 2001, Datong Police Station Assistant Chief, and the Political and Security Department head, Whang Shuhua, came to No. Seven Factory. Together with people from the local police station, they illegally interrogated more than 20 practitioners. Ms. Xu Shiling was again illegally detained for 31 days. On June 22, 2000, persons from the "610 Office" and Nanyuan Industrial Corporation extorted 10,130.5 Yuan from her. On February 27, 2001, she was extorted another 300 Yuan for "room and board." On April 4, 2001, Li Xi from Nanyuan Industrial Corporation extorted an additional 20,000 Yuan from her.

Mr. Li Hai, male, 39 years old, works at Daqing City's 64th Middle School. He lives at no. 4 - 02 - 8 - 4 of Daqing No. 3 Village. In April 2000, his school sent him to a brainwashing class for one month, fearing that he would go to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. Four people watched him around the clock, without allowing him any personal freedom. On June 18, 2000, he participated in group practice. After being arrested, he was escorted to the Sa Qu Detention Center and was illegally imprisoned for 56 days, although the arrest warrant showed only half a month term written down. He went on a hunger strike to protest against the illegal imprisonment. On the fourth day of the hunger strike, he was released. On the second day after he was released, party secretary Li Hongxin from the 64th Middle School forcibly sent him to a brainwashing class held by the Education and Training Center from Daqing's Petroleum Administrative Bureau. Every day, he was forced to read materials that slandered Dafa. There were people specially assigned to watch him. He lost his personal freedom. After 18 days he was released. After he went back to his school he was not allowed to teach, but was forced to do janitorial work. On May 11, 2001, because he attended a Fa experience sharing conference, he was reported to the authorities, and was forced to leave his home to avoid further persecution. On April 18, 2002, he was again illegally imprisoned in Daqing City's Custodial Center. He went on a hunger strike for over one month. During this period, he had symptoms of kidney failure and urination difficulties. At present, he is still illegally imprisoned in the Daqing City Custodial Center. The prosecution bureau has issued an arrest warrant. The evil force is scheming to illegally sentence him. From April 20, to May 20, 2000, during the brainwashing class conducted by people from the 64th Middle School, Li Hongxin extorted 1,200 Yuan from him, as "boarding expenses." On June 18, 2000, Chief Guo from Sa Qu Detention Center extorted 175 Yuan from this practitioner. From August 11, 2000 to September 1, Daqing Petroleum Administrative Bureau Education and Training Center personnel extorted 3,186 Yuan "boarding fee" from him. From September 2, 2000 to the end of December 2000, he hadn't received unemployment benefits. Each month, about 800 Yuan from his monthly salary and bonus were withheld. Originally, he would have received more than 1,400 Yuan. Presently, he had only received less than 600 Yuan. From June 18, 2000 to September 1, 2000, all of his salary and bonuses were withheld completely, and his ID card was also withheld.

Li Rongfen, female, 52 years old, works in the office for retirement at a transportation company. She lives in Daqing Chengxin No. 3 Village. In April 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for Dafa. She was later escorted back by her work unit and detained in a detention center for one month. During this time, as corporal punishment, she was forced to stand in a bowing position for over 5 hours. In November 2000 she went to Beijing's Tiananmen Square to validate Dafa. She was then escorted by the Daqing Local Liaison Office in Beijing to the Taiyangdao Hotel. She was taken back by two people from the work unit, handcuffed all the way. Authorities from the Jianhua police station sent her directly to a detention center and detained her for half a month. Then, she was transferred to the Sa Qu Detention Center and imprisoned there for two months. After going on a six-day hunger strike to protest the illegal imprisonment, she was released, but was extorted 600 Yuan for "boarding expenses." In July 2000, her work unit required her to hand in 10,000 Yuan "deposit." Because she refused to pay the money, for a whole year she did not get her monthly salary. Until now, 6,000 Yuan are still being illegally withheld from her. Her ID card has been withheld. In April 2000, she was extorted 1,000 Yuan by someone named Shan Song from the Management Office of the Administrative Bureau. In November 2000, persons from the Daqing Local Liaison Office in Beijing extorted 2,635 Yuan from her.

Wang Yanxiang, female, 64 years old, works at the Agricultural, Industrial and Business Transportation Management Station. She lives in Chengfeng. On June 9, 2000, she went to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong. Later, she was escorted back and held in a detention center for two weeks. On June 12, 2000, she was extorted 4,632 Yuan by Xiang Shufen from the management station, and was extorted 2,800 Yuan by Shan Song from Daqing Local Liaison Office in Beijing.

Li Baozhu, female, 37 years old, works at Daqing City 64th Middle School. She lives in Daqing Chengxin No. 3 Village. After she was arrested on June 18, 2000, she was illegally detained in the Sa Qu Detention Center for 56 days, while the arrest warrant showed only 15 days. On the fourth day of her hunger strike to protest the illegal imprisonment, she was released. The second day after she returned, party secretary Li Hongxin from the 64th Middle School forcibly sent her to the brainwashing class held by the Education and Training Center of the Petroleum Administrative Bureau in Daqing for half a month. She was watched 24 hours a day without being given any personal freedom. She was forced to read materials that slandered Dafa, and write "acknowledgment of mistakes." On August 29, 2000, she was released, but was not allowed to teach. Instead, she was forced to do janitorial work. In March 2001, the Education and Training Center conducted a "collecting signatures" movement. She refused to sign, but was threatened to be sentenced to forced labor. Later, her workload was increased. On May 11, 2001, she attended a Fa experience sharing conference, but was reported by a bad person, and was compelled to leave home to avoid further persecution. On June 18, 2000, she was extorted 175 Yuan by Chief Guo from Sa Qu Detention Center as "boarding expenses." From August 15 to August 25, 2000, when she was in the Education and Training Center, Zhang Cheng from the center extorted 1,686 Yuan from her "for boarding expenses." Since then, Zhang Cheng extorted another 10,000 Yuan from her as "deposit." During the illegal imprisonment and brainwashing period that lasted more than two months, her salary and bonus, nearly 3,000 Yuan were completely withheld. From August 29 to May 11, 2001, she had been receiving unemployment benefits. Her original salary of over 1,300 Yuan a month was cut to about 600 Yuan. From May 11, 2001 until now, she has not received a cent. Her ID card has also been withheld.