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Whose Fault Is It that Many Chinese People Have Lost their Livelihoods?

September 11, 2002 |  


According to news from Agence France Presse (AFP) on August 27, about 28 workers of the Jiangsu Province Musical Instrument Factory recently planned to commit suicide by jumping from their work building to protest the shortage of welfare benefits. Fortunately, this was prevented by the Public Security forces. Still, one female worker drank some farm fertilizer on August 21st in an attempt to commit suicide, but was sent to the hospital and saved. It is known that about 100 protesters are retirees with over 20 years work experience. They have been dismissed and only get very little compensation. They requested the municipal government to insure their pensions and medical fees, but were refused. Their difficult situations reflect the fact that hundreds of thousands of workers have been laid off as a result of the closure of numerous factories and enterprises in recent years in China.

Meanwhile, as laid-off workers in China try to cope as best they can on their own, Jiang Zemin continues to spend huge amounts of money funding the "610 Office" to carry out his persecution of Falun Gong practitioners who believe in Truthfulness-Compassion-Tolerance. Tens of thousands of Dafa practitioners have been kidnapped, forced to pay huge fines, brainwashed, tortured, illegally detained and sentenced, or even killed, etc. How could the common people not suffer greatly when the persons in authority are so corrupt and cruel? The true reason for the inability of many in China to make a living lies with the way the country has been governed by the evil Jiang regime.