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With Righteous Thoughts and Righteous Actions, Walk Every Step Well on the Path of Fa-Rectification

August 07, 2002 |  


When I was a child I started to admire the cultivators who lived in the days of Sakyamuni and Jesus, because they had great Masters. In one period of my life I was very unhappy. When I was in extreme desperation, I looked at the star-covered sky and cried "Master" from the depths of my heart. How I hoped that I too could have a Master who cared about me and guided me.

My mother and elder sister started to practice Falun Dafa in 1996. I didn't accept Falun Dafa until the beginning of 1999. I have a Master now; my heart is full of indescribable joy. After I completed reading Zhuan Falun the second or third time, I was shaken by the principles behind the book. I understood that this was truly a heavenly book, and was scared that I almost missed the Fa (principles, the law of the universe) which passed by me so closely. I could not wait to read all of Master's published books and I was even more convinced after I did. I immediately swore a secret oath to Master, that no matter how bad the difficulty and hardships I would encounter, I would never separate my heart from Master. In this cosmos, nothing could force me to give up this Dafa. At that moment, I felt I like a drop of water that had melted into the ocean. I melted into Dafa.

I was surprised that the environment changed suddenly, just several months after I obtained Dafa. However, based on firm righteous belief and enlightenment in Dafa, the danger [posed to Dafa] frequently disappeared during the process of my safeguarding Dafa and Fa-rectification. I broke through all of this openly. I experienced and felt the majesty of the Buddha Fa, the power of righteous thoughts and the existence and holiness of the Buddha Fa's divine powers.

The following is part of my experience and I'd like to share it with fellow practitioners.

On June 25, 2000, I had my fifth experience of safeguarding Dafa. I went to Tiananmen Square to validate Dafa with my child. I was arrested and sent to a detention center. At that time I simply felt I was doing the most holy thing, why should I be sent to such a place? A director of the police substation lied to me and said that they would send me home. A little while later I asked him, "You said you were going to send us home, how could you drive us here? Is your home here? You're such a liar." The director said, "Aren't you guys tolerant?" I said, "Tolerance is not ignoring people's evil deeds, that's connivance." He dared not to say anything more.

I didn't agree to have a physical examination and neither did I enter the cell. Our position was stalemated like that. I shouted loudly towards prisoners' cells and office buildings of the guards, "Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa; police are big troublemakers arresting good people!" At that time I completely set my self aside and melted into Dafa, and I felt its huge endless power. My pure righteous thoughts restrained these police. I started to tell them the truth about Falun Dafa. None of them stopped me. They just listened to me quietly until sunrise of the next day. Later the president of the police substation wanted to talk to me personally.

I asked to be released unconditionally, I said, "Because I didn't disobey any constitutional laws, I am unwilling to eat the food here. I'm not a criminal. If anything happens to me, you people will take all the responsibility." I also told him, "My experience here will be published through Minghui Net to the whole world. At that time, you will be infamous around the world." The president seemed to feel a little panicked, and said, "We'll let you go; we didn't say we wouldn't let you go. You get into the cell first, and then I'll immediately inform your police station to pick you up." He also promised that if any guard or prisoner beat me or cursed at me, he would take care of it. If I fasted, he said that they would never force-feed me. At the same time, he personally would hold my money, and when I was released, they would return all my money, including the change. In the same detention center, some practitioners that I knew were deprived of everything they had when they were released, and some of them were severely beaten up. This time the detention center detained me for two days and released me unconditionally. Nobody picked me up, and there was no bail either.

Before this, every time I was detained, multiple parties had to sign to bail me out. I also had to be taken back by government officials. Other practitioners also felt that this time I was sure to be sentenced to jail. During these two days, I used the wisdom from Falun Dafa to validate Dafa to the guards and prisoners. I showed them Dafa's holiness and majesty. Before I went to Tiananmen Square, a pyramid clearly appeared in front of me. It was about seven or eight inches tall. The pyramid was silver, and there were some golden characters on it. At the bottom there was a "Jie"(border), at the top there was a "Tian"(heaven). I knew Master was encouraging me. Those two days became the last two days that I was detained in my Fa-rectification history. After that, I always came back on the same day as I went to Tiananmen or some other places. I never entered the jail cells that Falun Dafa practitioners should never enter again. It is just like Master said in "Dafa Disciples' Righteous Thoughts are Powerful", "Why should you, a Dafa disciple, fear the evil ones when enduring persecution? The crux of the matter is that you have attachments. If not, do not endure passively, and face the evil people with righteous thoughts at all times. No matter what the situation, do not cooperate with the evil's demands, orders, or what it instigates. If everyone does this the environment won't be this way."

At 9 a.m. on July 19th, 2000, practitioners from various places in China and I walked to Tiananmen Square again, where we opened many banners. One Falun Dafa practitioner was a first level police officer. He was wearing a police uniform and opened a 5-meter long banner successfully with a college instructor from Guangdong province. Many female practitioners raised their arms to support the banner (Minghui Net has published this picture). The whole time, I didn't cooperate with the arresting by the police. I constantly shouted loudly "Falun Dafa is Good" and "Falun Dafa is the righteous Fa". My son and I were finally dragged into the police van during the beatings and kicking. That day my strong righteous thought was to leave. Many government officials stood behind the police van. I opened the van window a little bit. I was just thinking about how to get out when, in one blink, I was already standing outside the van. In my mind I never had any thoughts of getting my feet or head out of the van, and I didn't feel myself squeezing through the window either. Afterwards, when I reached my hands to my son in the van, my over 60-pound son felt like a feather. I grabbed my son and ran towards the outside. At that time tourists had been driven away, and there were many police surrounding several police vans, which were full of Falun Dafa practitioners. Just like that, I openly left Tiananmen Square. After I went home, I noticed both sides of my body had become purple and black. My neck had a bloody scar due to the policeman's grip. When I was on Tiananmen Square, I didn't feel hurt at all when I was beaten up. All my being had melted into protecting the Fa. Afterwards I didn't think of divine powers; I just felt that Master was protecting me all the time, and Dafa was very miraculous. On July 18th, I was hesitating about whether to go or not. Some practitioners who were doing Dafa work advised me not to go. They said if I were arrested, our loss would be big. That night, a female practitioner said to me, "Why be afraid to go? Can't you go there and come back during the same day?" I said, "You're right, tomorrow I'll go and come back immediately. Nothing will be delayed."

(To be continued)