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Taiwan: Journey of Falun Dafa Photo Exhibition in Tainan County Draws Warm Responses (Photos)

August 05, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On July 26 and 27, 2002, the Journey of Falun Dafa Photo Exhibition was successfully held at Music Hall Square of Tainan County Cultural Department. Over one hundred photos truthfully depicted the spread of Falun Dafa all over the world since 1992 as well as the truth of the Jiang regime's brutal persecution of Falun Gong since July 20, 1999.

Journey of Falun Dafa Photo ExhibitionDeputy County Commissioner posing for a group photo with Dafa practitionersFalun Gong Seminar

At the invitation of the Cultural Department, practitioners presented seminars entitled "Personal Experiences in Elevating Body, Mind and Spirit Health" as part of the department's Life and Culture Lecture Series. The series is applicable to continuing education programs for government employees and teachers. The lecture hall was packed by government employees, teachers and general public. Many people stood for over two hours during the seminars due to the insufficient seating and so many attendees. The video Road to Return to True Self and speeches by practitioners received warm responses. Many people asked for information about how to start practicing Falun Gong.