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Summary of Other Articles and News - 08/02/2002

August 05, 2002 |  


Clarifying the Truth of Falun Gong and Offering Salvations to Sentient Beings

Breaking the arrangements of the old forces, I put up materials of Falun Gong in the residential neighborhoods of staff of the "610 Office" (an agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems). On July 20 of this year I took with me some materials about the truth of Falun Gong and put them up in the neighborhood of where the staff of the "610 Office" lives. When I was inside the fourth building and just after I put up one flyer on the third floor, a middle-age woman on the second floor stepped out and started reading the material. I was debating on the third floor for a while. Then I thought that I should go downstairs righteously. If I ran into vicious people I would order them to stop, as I believe in the capability given to me by Dafa. I went down properly and said hello to her when I approached her. The woman said: "Is it you who put up this? You are great! It is you, you are great!" I said calmly: "Please read it carefully, you would benefit from it." Then I stepped out, got on my bike and left righteously. This helped me to understand that the part that is already cultivated during the Fa-rectification process is helping Master to rectify the Fa proactively. As long as we behave and think righteously we would be free from any danger!

The Truth and People's Hearts

I am a retired worker at a company in Lanzhou City, Gansu Province. I used to live a painful life due to illnesses and problems at home. Dafa gave me a new life. I was detained and locked up 4 times for going to Beijing to appeal and was sent for labor education for a year, altogether for 18 months. At the end of last year I was once again kidnapped and sent to the brainwashing class. The ignorant police suffered from retributions many times but they still did not want to stop. They tried their best to persecute Dafa practitioners. Due to my firm belief and righteous thoughts I broke out of there under Master's protection.