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Summary of Other Articles and News - 08/28/2002

August 31, 2002 |  


Natural And Man-made Disasters in China Serve as Warning

Massive Flooding in Hunan, A Severe Drought in Shandong, Locust Attacks in Inner Mongolia

(Central News Agency, August 25) Hunan Province has been facing severe rains since August 25th. The Flood Prevention Commission of Hunan Province has issued strict orders warning people to "prepare for the difficult battle against flooding in autumn."

Since the beginning of this summer, floods have affected the Yangtze River drainage area. Meanwhile in the north, severe drought has affected 41.44 million Mu (1 Mu = 0.1647 acre) of farm land in Shandong Province. About 2 million people and 1 million livestock are facing a shortage of drinking water. Currently the volume of water reserves in that province is 50% less than the average level at the same time last year.

Since June, locusts have attacked an area spanning over 100 million Mu in Inner Mongolia. Twenty million Yuan have been designated for disaster relief.

(Central News Agency, August 26) Over 25,900 geological disasters have occurred in China this year to date, resulting in over 500 deaths. The heavy rains in the South have caused many landslides and mudslides, bringing death and financial losses.

Cultivation Story

Qian Qian, who obtained the Fa when she was three, is six years old now. She has read Zhuan Falun six times already. On her way to Fa rectification in Beijing, as a four-year-old, Qian Qian overcame much difficulty and finally arrived at Tiananmen Square. Qian Qian was very happy. She had difficulty crossing her legs, and the police car came before she even had time to sit in the cross-legged meditation posture. After she was taken into the police car, Qian Qian said to her mother, "I still want to sit in the meditation posture!" When she was taken to the Tiananmen Police Department, the police officer was moved by cute Qian Qian. He challenged Qian Qian to recite the poems in Hong Yin. Qian Qian immediately began to recite Hong Yin and "Lunyu," and she spread the Fa to the police. All the police officers present said, "This kid is really amazing!" In the end, a police officer asked her, "Where do you come from?" Qian Qian said in a serious manner, "I came from the heavens!"

Make Good Use of Time to Explain the Facts of Dafa to the Precious Chinese People

This is the story of a Dafa practitioner who never forgets to offer salvation to people. He is a clerk at a designing company and is a well-known, good person. His eloquence is outstanding. People around him include famous people, government officials, old men and women who sit at street corners, plus young wanderers and peasant workers who come into the city. Every time he gets a chance, this Dafa practitioner spreads the Fa and clarifies the truth to people with great knowledge as well as spreading it to uneducated people. Those who listen to him all change their minds and begin to treat Dafa practitioners with kindness.

News from China

A Dafa Practitioner's Family Letter: I appealed to the government based on the Constitution of China that grants every citizen the right to appeal to the higher-level governmental organizations. I did not do anything to oppose the government. However, Jiang Zemin, using the power that he illegally obtained, has been spreading rumors about Falun Dafa via media for more than three years. Under the brutal persecution, how many innocent Dafa practitioners are illegally jailed and tortured by the vicious people? How many happy families are broken apart when husband, wife and children are separated? How many Dafa practitioners have lost their lives at the hands of Jiang's regime?

Media Coverage

According to China Times on August 27, 2002, the World Psychiatric Association, which is holding a conference in Japan, announced that an international delegation will be organized and sent to Mainland China in order to investigate whether China has been using drugs and psychiatric treatment methods to silence the voices of hundreds of political dissidents. The chairman of the association pointed out that many Falun Gong practitioners in Mainland China have also suffered similar persecution. If China refuses to respond to the charges, it may be expelled from the association.