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Michael Horowitz, Director of Hudson Institute: "someday there will be rows of you sitting the way you are today in Tiananmen Square" (excerpt)

August 03, 2002 |  

The following is an excerpt of Mr. Horowitz's speech:

"I am so honored to be here. Your courage, the courage, the steadfastness of your people in China and elsewhere awes all of us. Indeed, it shames those of us who know what our responsibility is: to stand in the way of oppression and to promote freedom.

I know at this rally, people have talked about the sacrifice your people have made for your faith, for your way of life. This is true. And you will prevail in the end. I sat next to one of the great heroes of Washington, Congressman Chris Smith. He said to me -- and his speech was as usual fiery and wonderful -- he said what we all feel, and what we predict, which is, someday there will be rows of you sitting the way you are today in Tiananmen Square. And we will live to see it. Chris is right."

"But I think it is also important for you to know, that your bravery, your hopes carry with them so much more beyond the needs of your own faith... You help build a world which will be free of the rivers of blood that characterize the 21th century. And you help build a world that will be worthy and a good place for my children and grandchildren."

"You are the cutting wedge. The courage of your people in China [comes from] the principles by which freedom for all is being fought for and in the end will be won."

"I am in awe of you. I am honored to be asked to speak with you. I am honored to stand with you. Whatever little I can contribute, you have it from me from now and forever.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart."