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Falun Gong Practitioners from Boston Attend the "Caribbean-Style Costume Parade" in the City of Cambridge (Photos)

August 29, 2002 |  

(Clearwisdom.net) On August 25, 2002, practitioners from Boston attended the annual "Caribbean-Style Costume Parade" in the City of Cambridge. On August 24, a day before the parade, practitioners made use of the time between sending forth righteous thoughts to learn the "Flying Heavenly Girl Dance" and "Red Silk Scarf Dance". Practitioners from Connecticut and Rhode Island also came to show support. A western high school student who just obtained the Fa a few weeks ago also joined the parade. She brought her younger sister, a middle-school student to join the performance of the "Red Silk Scarf Dance".

A practitioner who is also a hairdresser was busy all Sunday morning to help other practitioners to dress their hair and put on make up. Our bright and beautiful Tang Dynasty Costume troupe and red silk scarf dance troupe were very attractive. In addition, we had a group of female practitioners dressed in red Chinese style costumes and a group of practitioners dressed in yellow Dafa T-shirts. Our parade procession was really grand.

Our bright dance teams passed by over a dozen streets. Their performances gained warm applause and attracted many people to take pictures. When our procession passed the platform, the master of the parade introduced us to the spectators. He felt that he was not able to introduce us better and then he simply asked a practitioner to come to the platform and do the introduction. That practitioner introduced to the spectators about the Falun Dafa exercises, the worldwide spread of Dafa and particularly, she described the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China. She told spectators, the prime criminal of this persecution, Jiang Zemin will visit the U.S. She called on people to pass on the truth to their friends, relatives, and their congressmen.

Under the platform, carrying bamboo baskets holding Dafa truth-clarifying materials, some female practitioners dressed in ancient Chinese style costumes distributed Dafa materials to the spectators. Some visitors joyfully took pictures with our "flying heavenly girls".