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Latest News from China - 08/19/2002

August 29, 2002 |  


  • [Henan Province] The Shibalihe Female Forced Labor Camp Forces Dafa Practitioners to Do Heavy Labor
  • [Jingmen City, Hubei Province] Lawless Policemen Persecute Innocent Dafa Practitioners
  • [Tonghe County, Heilongjiang Province] Police Illegally Arrests Dafa Practitioners
  • [Yingcheng City, Hubei Province] More Persecution Cases
  • [Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province] Lawless Policemen Destroy Many Dafa Material Centers
  • [Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Arrested Practitioner Not Heard From for Nearly Two Months
  • [Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Masanjia Forced Labor Camp Persecutes Practitioners Who Refuse to Do Forced Labor and Wear Badges
  • [Beijing] Arrest of Dafa Practitioners in Chaoyang District
  • [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Excruciating Tortures in the Tiebei Prison: "Big Iron Bucket," "Astronaut Hats" and Sleep Deprivation
  • [China] Policemen Ambush Dafa Practitioners
  • [Pingdingshan City, Henan Province] Criminal Record of Collaborators
  • [Changchun City, Jilin Province] Information Center Destroyed

[Henan Province] The Shibalihe Female Forced Labor Camp Forces Dafa Practitioners to Do Heavy Labor

Recently the Shibalihe Female Forced Labor Camp extended work hours. The guards at the forced labor camp used the excuses of "businesses and factories are in urgent need of products" or "foreign trade needs the goods immediately." (According to regulations, products produced by personnel detained in forced labor camps cannot be exported.) Guards force Dafa practitioners to work 13 or 14 hours a day from 6:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. Sometimes it goes on even longer. After practitioners stop working for the day, the guards perform cell inspections, often late at night to keep the practitioners from resting.

During the high temperatures of midsummer, the sweltering polluted air was severely affecting everyone. Whoever went near the windows to get some fresh air, was verbally abused by Li Jingyue, a person in charge of production for the No.2 Team. She would then order her subordinates to tie up the practitioner.

Recently, a newly appointed supervisor ordered Falun Gong practitioners in the No.2 Team to work with drug addicts, even after they were off duty. Practitioners firmly rejected this order. Then the guards forcibly dragged practitioners to the workplace, and those practitioners who didn't obey were tied up and shocked with electric batons. One Dafa practitioner was pushed down to the ground and wasn't able to stand up until one hour later.

[Jingmen City, Hubei Province] Lawless Policemen Persecute Innocent Dafa Practitioners

Since June 20, Li Jianzhong, the director of Jingmen City's Police Department in Hubei Province, dispatched an order to 125 policemen to form 20 patrol groups. The Dongbao Police Precinct, the Duodao Police Precinct, the Yuelianghu Police Precinct and every traffic police precinct were also ordered to dispatch some personnel to form night patrol groups. On August 15, the city committee and the city's police department again gave secret orders to use all kinds of means to stop Dafa practitioners from distributing truth-clarifying materials, clarifying the facts about Falun Gong and going to Beijing to appeal. Some units even asked eight people to monitor just one Dafa practitioner.

[Tonghe County, Heilongjiang Province] Police Illegally Arrests Dafa Practitioners

Before May 1, the Tonghe County's Police Department in Heilongjiang Province unjustly took a female Dafa practitioner away from her home. She was brutally tortured in jail. At the beginning of August, she was sent to Harbin City's Wanjia Jail and her current whereabouts are unknown. Another Dafa practitioner was released after staging a hunger strike for 105 days in jail.

[Yingcheng City, Hubei Province] More Persecution Cases

Ms. Han Hongyan was sentenced to two years of forced labor in the Shayang Forced Labor Camp for clarifying the truth about Falun Dafa.

After being reported by a collaborator, [a former Falun Gong practitioner who has turned against Dafa due to brainwashing and torture] Mr. Zhang Junan was first detained at Yingcheng City's No. 1 Detention Center, and was then sentenced to a year of forced labor in Xiangfan City's Xiangbei Forced Labor Camp.

Mr. Yan Sanming was illegally sentenced to 4 years of imprisonment for clarifying the facts about Dafa. He was forcibly sent to the Shayang Fanjiatai Prison.

Mr. Chen Jianguo was forced to abandon his home and go from place to place to avoid persecution by the police.

Mr. Luo Guozhu was detained at Yingcheng City's No.1 Detention Center for distributing Dafa truth-clarifying materials. Afterwards, he was sentenced to 7 years of imprisonment. He is still being detained at Yingcheng City's No. 1 Detention Center.

We hope that practitioners will send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil elements in other dimensions that are behind the persecution of Dafa practitioners in Yingcheng City.

[Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province] Lawless Policemen Destroy Many Dafa Material Centers

Before July 20, three Dafa material centers were destroyed at Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province and twenty practitioners were arrested. Their current situation is unknown.

Ms. Chen Shaoqing, a teacher, had been to Beijing to appeal for Falun Gong, and she was illegally detained for 18 months. Afterwards, she was forced to live in exile. Before July 20, 2002, policemen arrested her at another practitioner's home and sent her to a brainwashing class at the Guangfeng Candy Factory. Chen Shaoqing went on a hunger strike for more than 30 days. Her family was not allowed to take her home until she was in critical condition. There are many local practitioners who are being forced to live in exile and under difficult conditions.

Perpetrators in the "610 Office:" [An agency specifically created to persecute Falun Gong, with absolute power over each level of administration in the Party and all other political and judiciary systems] Chen Tianyou, Zhong Kanglai

Lawless policemen in the Ruiyun Police Precinct: Ye Jingcheng, Zhou Feiru, phone number: 011-86-759-2711770

[Zhengzhou City, Henan Province] Arrested Practitioner Not Heard From for Nearly Two Months

At the beginning of July, policemen arrested a practitioner from Zhengzhou City, Henan Province while he was distributing Dafa truth-clarifying materials. He has not been heard from since then. We hope that practitioners will send forth righteous thoughts to eliminate the evil elements behind the persecution of this practitioner.

[Shenyang City, Liaoning Province] Masanjia Forced Labor Camp Persecutes Practitioners Who Refuse to Do Forced Labor and Wear Badges

According to reliable sources, the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp withholds food such as flour or rice to those practitioners who do not do forced labor or wear a badge that identifies them as criminals. Guards give those practitioners only buns made from rough corn meal three times a day for their meals with cold water,which makes practitioners extremely weak from lack of nutrition. This is only one of many vicious methods that the Masanjia Forced Labor Camp uses to torment Dafa practitioners. Some practitioners are currently on a hunger strike to protest this persecution.

[Beijing] Arrest of Dafa Practitioners in Chaoyang District

On August 6 or 7, after some collaborators reported 30-year-old female Dafa practitioner Dayang and her friend from Chaoyang District to the police, they went missing. Dafa practitioners, please collectively send forth righteous thoughts to help them escape the den of evil as soon as possible and return to the current of Fa-rectification.

[Changchun City, Jilin Province] Excruciating Tortures in the Tiebei Prison: "Big Iron Bucket," "Astronaut Hats" and Sleep Deprivation

Prior to May 1, the authorities at the Tiebei Prison assigned staff to some southside prisons to learn how to persecute practitioners based on others "experiences" and set up a special office. They assigned six to eight prisoners to watch every Dafa practitioner 24 hours a day. The Tiebei Prison even used term reduction as an incentive to encourage prisoners to physically torture Dafa practitioners. As a result, male Dafa practitioner Pan Zhaorui slept less than 24 hours from June 3 to June 24. In one team the guards set up a special group to brainwash practitioners around the clock. They even confined practitioners in a giant iron bucket. Guards covered the practitioners' heads with plastic bags that they called "astronaut hats," which was to frighten them by causing them to believe they were being suffocated. Every division is taking its own measures to try to force Dafa practitioners to give up their belief. Some practitioners staged hunger strikes to protest the persecution and thus suffered the prisoners' inhumane torture. In addition, the prison personnel are keeping Dafa practitioners from seeing their family members.

Nearly all male Dafa practitioners being sentenced to prison terms throughout the province are detained at the Tiebei Prison.

The following is a partial list of Dafa practitioners who are now detained at Changchun City's Tiebei Prison in Jilin Province:

Liaoyuan City: Han Yelong, Wang Hui'en, Yuan Zhongwei and Sun Lizhu.
Jilin City: Wang Delong, Huang Guangyu, Pan Zhaorui and Zhao Jun.
Huadian City: Ma You, Mao Chun, Duan Liangjun and Guo Chengxiang.
Changchun City: Xu Jiasheng, Yin Lizhu, and Li Rongze.
Yanji City: Sun Xi.
Tumen City: Xu Jun and Jin Guangri.
Baishan City: Liu Ziwei.
Shulan City: Cheng Lei, Qu Hongxiang, Meng Fanyi, Zhao Tao, Wang Hongliang and Li Heju.
Dunhua City: Zhao Hongliang.
Yushu City: Yuan Junfeng.
Huinan City: Mu Richun.

[China] Policemen Ambush Dafa Practitioners

Recently, many prisons and detention centers released some practitioners on probation. Among these practitioners were determined Dafa practitioners who were eager to get Teacher's new articles from fellow practitioners after being released. There were also people who had been bought off by police to act as special agents. The police used them to ambush other Dafa practitioners. At present, seven Dafa practitioners have known to been arrested because of this.

[Pingdingshan City, Henan Province] Criminal Record of Collaborators

Wang Yanwu from Yanglou Village, Ruzhou City is now acting as a collaborator. In June 2001, a fellow practitioner sent him some Dafa material and was arrested at his home after being reported to the police by him. The practitioner was sentenced to forced labor. In May 2002, this person completely betrayed Dafa. Right now, he has been actively cooperating with local officials to persecute and arrest Dafa practitioners. He even spread rumors to confuse Dafa practitioners at local detention centers, custodial centers, fellow practitioners' homes and work units.

[Changchun City, Jilin Province] Information Center Destroyed

On July 21, 2002, Yan Huawei, who had worked at an information center in Changchun City, was arrested. She under severe pressure and she revealed the names and information of many fellow practitioners who did important work at this information center, which then led to their arrests. The police raided the center and confiscated all of the equipment.