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Edinburgh Evening News: China delivers protest over Cavalcade group

August 21, 2002 |  

FURIOUS Chinese diplomats have lodged an official complaint after a spiritual movement banned in their country was included in two Festival events.

Wang Weiyang, the Chinese consul general, has complained to both the Cavalcade producer Major Brian Leishman and the Festival Fringe Society that the Falun Dafa movement were included in the Jubilee Cavalcade and Fringe Sunday.


But Major Leishman said today: "Obviously the Consul General was most upset, but we featured a Falun Gong float and dancers under the name of Falun Dafa in the Princes Street parade and what seems to have particularly infuriated the Consul General is that they were judged best entry in the Community section."

He added: "As far as I am aware, Falun Dafa are non-political but they claim they are persecuted and banned in China."

In March, China detained seven foreign members of the banned spiritual movement for protesting in Tiananmen Square over Beijing's campaign against the group.
