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A US Citizen Urges Cambodian Prime Minister to Protect Refugees' Rights

August 17, 2002 |  

To: Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Cambodia Samdech Hun Sen
and Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Phnom Penh
Kingdom of Cambodia

Your Excellency:

I recently heard the news of two Falun Gong practitioners who were deported back to China by the Cambodian government. This news comes as a shock to me because these practitioners obtained UN Refugee Certificates.

As a UN member, not only is it the obligation of the Cambodian government to honor and protect the rights of UN Refugees, but also the protection of human rights and freedom of belief should be safeguarded by all governments around the world. The deportation of Mr. Li Guojun and his wife, Zhang Xinyi, back to China is of grave concern since the Chinese government regime under President Jiang Zemin is currently persecuting Falun Gong practitioners. Numerous reports of violations of human rights by the Chinese authorities have been cited. The brutality and methods of torture used by the Chinese authorities is inhumane. Such abuses are not condoned by any country nor should they exist. The oppression imposed upon Falun Gong practitioners is beyond any human notion and it is wrong, and the international community is working together to end this persecution.

One day this persecution will end and the whole world will come to know the truth of what is happening in China and the extent of the persecution. History has shown us that every step and action a country makes is imprinted in the memory of individuals and society will make judgment. Countries that have stood up for what is right have been remembered in history books for upholding truth and justice. The path that Cambodia takes now will also be remembered. But how will Cambodia be remembered as is up to you, Your Excellency, and other respected government officials of the Kingdom of Cambodia. Your Excellency, I urge you to please uphold the truth for what is right and I urge the government of Cambodia to protect the rights of UN Refugees as a UN member.

Thank you for taking the time to read my letter and for your attention to this matter.

Yours sincerely,

A concerned citizen of the United States of America