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In Lithuania, Children Sincerely Wish to Obtain the Fa (Photos)

July 04, 2002 |  

Around 8 pm on June 18, we practiced the exercises in the cathedral square of the Lithuanian capital, Vilnius. When I opened my eyes, I noticed two angelic looking girls who were standing not far away and smiling straight at me. It seemed that they had been looking at me for quite some time. I tried to ask them in English whether they would like to learn the exercises; they walked toward me and expressed their willingness. I started showing them the fifth exercise - the sitting meditation. They were very focused and they learned it very quickly. Another older girl approached us and asked whether she could join us. Hence, we practiced the first three exercises together.

I gave them an "I support Falun Gong" badge. They were very pleased. They held the flag printed with " Falun Dafa Is Good" and "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance" to pose for photos with us. With the thought that we were about to leave, they were unwilling to part. A girl named Gabiya told me, "I really do not want you to leave. When will you come here again?" I replied that practitioners from Sweden and England would also come and would really like to see them. Another practitioner said that she could stay for another day. This made the girls smile happily. I was greatly moved by their eagerness to obtain the Fa.

After the girls walked away, we sat down and took a rest. Before long they ran back to us, and said they would like to spend a little more time with us. I told them how I used "Truthfulness, Benevolence, Forbearance" to guide my students, how a good child who bears truthfulness, benevolence and forbearance in mind should behave, and that we came here to provide the most precious thing to the people of Lithuania. They listened quietly with their eyes widely open. I believed Truthfulness, Benevolence and Forbearance had taken root in their minds. I blessed them with all my heart, wishing them a bright future.