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Falun Gong Activities in Galway, Ireland

July 03, 2002 |   by Irish Practitioners

Monday, July 1, 2002

Over the weekend of June 22 and 23, several practitioners from around Ireland introduced Falun Dafa to the public in the city of Galway, Ireland.

When we first arrived at the main street, we learned that we could not stand in front of any buildings because there were shops along both sides of the street; we could only stay in the middle of the street. We moved to a junction that joined 3 streets in a Y-shape. This turned out to be a very good place to demonstrate the exercises. We placed the banner and photos on the ground, and started playing the exercise music.

We did the exercises continuously in turn for the whole afternoon, which attracted many on-lookers. People were getting to know about Falun Dafa just through our tranquil practicing.

During this activity in Galway, we all felt the importance of representing Dafa well to the public. We felt that our tranquil exercises were the best way to display the benevolent nature of Falun Dafa. We put our bags on the opposite side of the street, which ensured they did not get in peoples' way and kept the area tidy and clean. We also had two people handing out leaflets and talking to interested passersby.

The response from Galway people was good. Many asked about the local Falun Dafa class and expressed concern about the persecution of Falun Dafa practitioners in China.

After the group practice, we went to a room in the University of Galway to study the Fa and share experiences. We felt that experience sharing was very important, since practitioners in Ireland rarely had the opportunity to meet.

The following day, we continued to read together and also practiced the exercises in a park in the city center. Again, we found many people interested in the practice.

Article from CH: http://www.clearharmony.net/articles/5419.html