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A Young Practitioner Sees Magnificent and Glorious Scenes While Sending Forth Righteous Thoughts

July 29, 2002 |   Told by Rongrong / Recorded by another practitioner

July 22, 2002

(Clearwisdom.net) [Note: Due to the limitations presented by any particular level, the following is only what was seen on that particular level. Thus, it is for reference only.]

The Fa-rectification is progressing rapidly. Practitioners' righteous thoughts become more and more pure and powerful. The truth manifested in other dimensions also becomes more and more magnificent and glorious.

  1. During the process of sending forth righteous thoughts and eliminating evils, I saw that some practitioners have cultivated the "flaming palm." While they erect their right hand and send forth righteous thoughts, a colorful flame appears on the palm and it flickers around the palm. Other practitioners have cultivated a "swastika palm." When they send forth righteous thoughts, a large symbol of a swastika appears on the palm and it spins in both directions. There are also strings of swastikas coming out from their fingertips, which can transform into various forms of energy to eliminate the evils. A large tube appears above each practitioner's erected palm that is connected to higher above. It splits into many branches at different positions (or different levels of dimensions). The energy radiates from these branches and carries out different tasks.
  2. When practitioners are holding the hand gesture of "large lotus flower" while sending forth righteous thoughts, there is a large lotus flower appearing above each practitioner's lotus palm. The lotus flower is open widely and spins in both directions. Its color is beautiful and glorious. I discovered that there is a lotus "sea" in a special dimension. There are countless lotuses of various shapes. At the first glance, it appears as a "sea" of lotus flowers. And yet they are also individual and separate from each other. Each lotus flower is corresponding to every practitioner in the human world. In other words, their "root" is within individual practitioners. When practitioners hold the hand gesture of lotus flower, it immediately appears and stays above their lotus palms.
  3. One day, I was sending forth righteous thoughts, together with a dozen other practitioners. When we erected our palms, I found that the whole room became filled with a gold swastika. It shone soft and golden lights. It was large at one time and became small at another time. It turned in all directions and changed at will. The air surrounding practitioners also became gold and was filled with small falun spinning in all directions. When we changed our hand position to the lotus palm, the whole view immediately changed. The whole room became an open lotus flower. The color was so beautiful and transparent. The air within the lotus flower was transparent with layers of colorful bands. The color was a mixture of light pink and light peach color and these bands shone and scattered shiny lights. It was very sacred and magnificent. I also saw an energy band that had the same color radiated from each practitioner's body. The energy band was integrated in and complemented their surrounding environment.